Thursday, February 26, 2009

Street Fighter The Legend of Chun Li: Review

After seeing this movie, I am now a coffee mug filled with the Sanka of Hate! Full to the brim, baby! Shit! And I had such high hopes for this movie! Why? Why do they do this to me? WHY??!!
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li is the most disappointing movies since the Star Wars prequels. It's about Chun Li becoming who she is by learning kung fu from some guy and trying to seek revenge on the man who killed her family.
The big mistake this piece of shit makes is that it's not a superhero film. Instead, it tries to grown the movie more in reality and turn this into a kung fu movie. Which wouldn't bother me so much if the kung fu hadn't sucked so bad. Hello? The title of you're movie is Street Fighter. People are coming to see Chun-Li in her glorious long sexy legs kick tanks till they explode. What's the deal with the producers trying to make this a Hong Kong crime film with lousy kung fu?
The fight scenes in this movie is so bad that I nearly wanted to cry. If Chun Li was  a real woman, she'd be rolling in her grave right now. The kung fu sequences here are so poorly choreographed and I get the feeling that Kristin Kreuk barely rehearsed any of the moves cause she looked like a cute little girl kicking like David Beckham. 
And how on Earth could they take a hot ass like Kristin Kreuk and make her so uninteresting in this movie? For the most part, we only have Kristin Kreuk look like she was just hit by a sand truck or have been sleeping in a cave for 10 days. Cause that bitch looked like some homeless girl.
And what you'd expect when you ask Kristin Kreuk to act? You don't get shit. I already said from the beginning, if you're gonna cast Kristin Kreuk, make sure you show more of her legs than her trying to act like she's sad. It's like asking Megan Fox to be in Transformers deliver a serious line than just show us her boobs.
And while we're on the subject of bad acting. How bad was Chris Klein's acting in this? He kind of reminded me of the guy from Garbage Day cause all he does is speak in the same intense tone with the same intense face and he thinks that is acting. I mean, this guy's acting was so bad that it was good. I laughed my ass off through the whole film every time he comes on screen cause this guy is just downright ridiculous. What we need now is a movie where all we have is Chris Klein reciting Shakespeare monologues. Now that would be a funny movie.
Oh and it really helps build tension in the movie when the main villain is the guy from Desperate Housewives. This is such a lazy choice casting him as Bison. What the fuck? He comes off more like a businessmen man than a leader of Shadaloo. I'm barely even afraid of him, matter of fact.. I don't even feel him as an antagonist cause he is just such a weak character in the film.
You know what? All this talking about this turd is really getting my blood pressure high thinking about how much time I wasted being excited that this shit was coming out. The only thing I can do now I self medicate and look at these...
 I feel no pain no more.

RATING: 2/10

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

81st Academy Award Winners

I didn't watch the oscars. I'm on strike cause The Dark Knight wasn't nominated.
I did watch the videos on YouTube though. It looked nice. The performances were super cool. Hugh Jackman did an awesome job as host. Overall Slumdog was the big winner with 8 Oscars, Benjamin Button cries with only 3 but I was so upset when The Dark Knight only won 2. Two!Nice to see Heath Ledger get his Oscar though. Anyways here's the list of winners last night.

Slumdog Millionaire

Sean Penn in Milk

Kate Winslet in The Reader

Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire

Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight

Penelope Cruz in Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Dustin Lance Black for Milk
Simon Beaufoy for Slumdog Millionaire

Andrew Stanton for WALL-E

Kunio Kato for La Maison en Petits Cubes

Donald Graham Burt for art direction and Victor J. Zolfo for set decoration on The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Michael O’Connor for The Duchess

Greg Cannom for 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Anthony Dod Mantle for Slumdog Millionaire

Jochen Alexander Freydank for Spielzeugland (Toyland)


James Marsh and Simon Chinn for Man on Wire

Megan Mylan for Smile Pinki

Eric Barba, Steve Preeg, Burt Dalton and Craig Barron for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Richard King for The Dark Knight

Ian Tapp, Richard Pryke and Resul Pookutty for Slumdog Millionaire

Chris Dickens for Slumdog Millionaire

A.R. Rahman for Slumdog Millionaire

'Jai Ho' from Slumdog Millionaire, music by A.R. Rahman, lyrics by Gulzar  

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tahukah Anda Sedan Parade Hitler?

Sedan Mercedes-Benz 770K adalah mobil tunggangan pemimpin Nazi, Adolf Hitler. Sedan cabriolet keluaran 1930–1937 inilah yang kerap mengantar Hitler saat ia menggelar parade. Pada 6 Januari 1973, sedan mewah elite pada masanya itu dilego sebesar US$ 153 ribu atau Rp 1.3 miliar saat acara lelang mobil-mobil kuno. Dan merupakan sedan bersejarah yang dilelang dengan harga termahal saat itu.

Mobil Kuno, Makin Tua Makin Diburu

Jakarta – Pepatah bilang, tua-tua keladi semakin tua semakin jadi. Agaknya ini berlaku di dunia mobil kuno. Walau sudah gaek, justru dicari orang untuk koleksi. Di balik kelawasannya boleh jadi ia menyimpan sejarah yang mampu membangun nostalgia pemilik atau pewarisnya. Bagi pehobi mobil kuno yang awalnya tidak memiliki ikatan emosional, mau tak mau akan timbul juga perasaan itu.
Contohnya adalah Gunawan Tjandra (40), pengusaha sebuah hotel bintang lima ternama. Jumlah koleksinya terbilang rekor yakni 100 mobil! Kecintaan pada hobi mobil kuno berawal ketika dia masih belajar di Kanada tahun 1970-an. Setelah kembali ke Indonesia, dibenaknya ingin memiliki sebuah mobil kuno. Baru terlaksana tahun 1990-an ketika ia membeli sebuah Impala, empat pintu.
Ternyata mobil tersebut hasil modifikasi. Sebab setelah mendapat informasi belum ada dalam sejarah Impala Carbiolet memiliki empat pintu. Yang ada adalah dua pintu. Ia pun menyesal dan menjual kendaraan itu.
Hobinya pada mobil lawas malah mencuat pada tahun 1997, saat krismon (krisis moneter) menerpa Republik ini. Ketika itu ada upaya orang-orang untuk mengeskpor mobil kuno ke luar negeri. Ini membuatnya sedih. Akhirnya mobil kuno yang akan diekspor dibeli oleh Gunawan. Dan pada tahun 2000 dia berpikir tidak berguna memiliki tapi tak dipakai. Tercetuslah ide untuk membuat museum mobil di kawasan sirkuit Sentul.
Di sana dia membangun ruangan khusus untuk menyimpan 100 koleksi mobil yang terbuat dari tahun 1902 sampai tahun 1970-an. Kebanyakan mobil itu buatan Amerika dan sebagian Eropa, juga ada 30 motor besar-besar antik. Museum itu kini terbuka untuk umum. Di sana kisah perjalanan masing-masing kendaraan tertera.
Menyimpan dan merawat mobil-mobil kuno tentu bukan pekerjaan setengah hati. Orang awam menyebutnya sebagai kerepotan yang dicari-cari, tapi bagi pehobi sejati di situlah kenikmatan dan seninya. Sebab menurut Gunawan, penggemar tak hanya mengendarai lalu menyimpannya, tapi mereka memperbaiki dan mencari sukucadang yang sudah sulit dicari.

Ada juga koleksinya yang merupakan hasil perburuan yakni Kingsway 1959. Ternyata mobil ini sudah keliling dari Afrika lalu ke Eropa, baru balik ke Indonesia. Harap maklum pemilik sebelumnya seorang duta besar. Mobil itu ditemukan di gudang dan menjadi sarang tikus dan tempat kucing tidur. Karena pemiliknya juga sayang, maka agak lama Gunawan merayu. Akhirnya pemilik lama merelakannya, dan Gunawan pun mengirim foto setiap restore yang dilakukan pada pemilik lamanya.
Dari sejumlah koleksi yang dimiliki, hampir semuanya mempunyai kesan tersendiri. Dia mempunyai mobil bekas dipakai Dewi Soekarno yakni Thunderbird dua pintu. Mobil ini termasuk tipe mobil muscular. Ada juga bekas milik Bung Karno, Imperial. Ada pula Cadillac 1957 bekas milik Adam Malik. Koleksi mobil bekas dipakai tokoh nasional, Gunawan mencari lewat teman-teman sehobi.
Kondisi mobil di awal pengumpulan itu, tak seluruhnya dalam keadaan baik. Sebagian malah keadaannya amburadul. Kini sekitar 20 mobil dari koleksinya masih dalam kondisi demikian. Memperbaikinya memakan waktu, sebab sasis, kaca, dan lis-lisnya masih dicari, Sumber informasi dari katalog yang diperoleh dari perpustakaan asing. Restorasi ini dilakukan tim teknik sendiri.
Mobil yang diperagakan di museum mobil di Sentul, pada dasarnya tak dipakai. Guna mencegah kerusakan, Gunawan mencabut akinya, tangki bensin diisi dengan kandungan solar lebih banyak supaya tak terjadi karatan. Oli di mesin dalam keadaan itu, memang turun. Tapi ini tidak apa. Ketika akan dipakai, oli dipompa secara manual dulu agar semua bagian mesin terkena oli. Barulah sesudahnya dihidupkan.
Walau koleksinya cukup bejibun, Gunawan masih punya kerinduan pada Corvette 1966, karena miliknya yang terdahulu terbakar bersama bengkel. Tapi sayangnya sejauh ini dia belum ketemu. Di Amerika harganya mencapai Rp 300 juta. Kini kalau dia ingin jalan-jalan, dia pakai Bel Air 1957, dan beberapa koleksi yang sengaja dia simpan di Jakarta. Kalau sudah bosan barulah dikembalikan ke museum dan menukarnya dengan jenis yang lain.

Bambang Rus Effendi (55), pehobi yang juga ketua umum PPMKI yang baru terpilih dalam Munas Tahun 2002 di Pangandaran. Sebagai pemegang pucuk pimpinan, pekerjaannya lebih banyak menginventarisasi mobil dan keanggotaan, pembenahan organisasi dan menjaring anggota baru.
Inventarisasi, menurut direktur sebuah perusahaan swasta itu dirasakan penting sebab antara 1997 – 2002, PPMKI sempat vakum. Kalau pun ada kegiatan lebih bersifat internal. Selama itu kontrol pengurus pusat pada organisasi di daerah sangat lemah. Akhirnya terjadi ekspor mobil kuno ke luar negeri. Tapi sepanjang pengetahuannya, jumlahnya tak banyak, sekitar tiga mobil.
Satu Chevrolet Fleet Master 1948. Mobil ini sangat bersejarah karena pada masa pascakemerdekaan 1950-an tugasnya mengangkut eksekutif negeri ini. Yang kedua, Impala tahun 1962 ke Australia dan Plymouth tahun 1953 ke Amerika.
Maklumlah karena pada masa itu angka rupiah itu sedang tinggi-tingginya. Beberepa anggota sempat tergiur. Padahal kalau dihitung-hitung, nilainya sama saja (dalam dolar). ”Dan itu sebenarnya tak bisa kita salahkan juga,” ujar Bambang.
Tiap tahun PPMKI menggelar even reli wisata nasional yang lokasinya berbeda-beda. Tahun ini rutenya, Jakarta – Bali dan telah berlangsung dari tanggal 27 Februari sampai 4 Maret. Ini dilakukan untuk mendukung pemulihan citra pariwisata Bali. Karena itu even ini diselenggarakan berkat kerjasama dengan Badan Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia dan Komite Bali for The World.
”Antusiasme tiap daerah yang kami lalui sangat tinggi. buktinya di Jateng kami disambut oleh Gubernur. Malah beliau ingin PPMKI terlibat dalam acara Borobudur Internasional Festival. Tanggalnya mungkin sekitar 25 Mei. Bentuk acaranya belum tahu, bisa jadi reli lagi. Dengan etape satu di Solo. Pak Gubernur meminta PPMKI membantu pengembangan wisata di daerah Selo di kaki Gunung Merapi,” sambung Bambang.

Reli wisata yang diadakan PPMKI memang terbukti sukses menarik perhatian orang. Di Bali, menurut Bambang, reli itu jadi pusat perhatian bule-bule. Mereka heran mobil kuno itu masih bisa jalan dan terawat dengan baik. Waktu reli kemarin, ada satu peserta dari Belanda.
Peran Gunawan Tjandra juga tak bisa dipisahkan dalam kesuksesan reli ini. Salah satu pengurus pusat PPMKI itu banyak membantu, seperti menyediakan service car.
Selain Gunawan Tjandra, dedengkot reli yang ikut adalah Sofyan Tamara yang merupakan sesepuh organisasi. ”Beliau banyak membantu saya. Waktu itu, dia naik Ford Coronet 1965. Semula Solihin GP juga mau ikut tapi karena terlalu semangat waktu persiapan pas hari H-nya malah jatuh sakit.. Akhirnya, anaknya, Luthfi Solihin GP, wakil ketua umum PPMKI yang ikut dengan Buick 1957.
Bambang mengaku dirinya penggemar mobil kuno tulen. Ini dibuktikannya dengan tetap menunggangi mobil sepulang dari even reli tadi sebab sebagian besar peserta, akibat kelelahan, memilih naik pesawat atau kereta api. Mobil mereka dinaikkan trailer untuk diangkut ke Jakarta.
Waktu ikut reli Bali, Bambang memakai Chevrolet Deluxe 1952. Sejak ikut reli dari 1999, Bambang selalu pakai mobil ini. Kecintaan ini tumbuh karena ada story khusus di balik mobil ini. Mobil ini pernah dipakai oleh ayah Bambang. Rasa Nostalgia itu menyeruak ketika Solihin GP menawarinya mobil sejenis dengan angka tahun yang sama.
Selain Chevy itu, ayah Bambang juga memakai Bel Air tahun 1948. Tahun 1958, Bambang mulai mengenal mobil itu. ”Saya belajar mobil juga pakai Bel Air, waktu itu mulai nginjak-nginjak gas.”
Saat ini koleksi Bambang berjumlah 15 mobil. Selain kedua jenis mobil tadi, ia juga masih menyimpan Fiat 1925 model Borsalino, model mobil yang sering dipakai Al Capone. Ada juga Alvin Seven 700 cc 1935, Morris Cabriolet 1951, Morris Si Doel 1967, Pontiac 1953, Mercy Kentang 22.0 1955 dan Mercy Kebo 28.OS 1970.(SH/bayu dwi mardana/gatot irawan)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dodge Magnum Billet Grille.

There is no way around the fact that the Magnum makes a deep impression. Built to burn with neck-cracking enjoyment, not only can this ride rough up the road, it is also one of the most attractive and stylish vehicles around. To press the image even further means looking for the Dodge Magnum Grill that adds your special touch. All of the top choices are available for you here at because we understand how crucial variety is. There can be no substitution for the VIP treatment you deserve! Since Dodge Magnum Grills are always a hot item, we offer only the premier names that manufacture glimmering authentic quality. The perfect OEM-fit with your personal stamp that tops it off is what it’s all about. And we know it. is the home for your Dodge Grill that boldly stands out above the rest.
T-REX® - Classic Billet Grille. # TRX-20462 - Dodge Magnum 2008 & UP (Except SRT), T-REX® - Classic Billet Grille Inserts - 4 Pcs Look. 2pc Bumper grille TRX-25462 available.
When it comes to manufacturing a quality product, it starts in the design department but it doesn't end there. We start with solid stock of aircraft quality T-5/T-6 billet aluminum (billet series) or 304 stanless steel (mesh series), rather than extruded aluminum as used by some competitors. The stock is cut to length then shaped to its specific contour. Each grille is then hand assembled into a custom jig and precision welded with a process called "T.I.G." to ensure a strong and clean weld. The final stage of manufacturing includes a three-stage polishing and cleaning. Detailed installation instructions included, along with all the necessary mounting hardware.

Dodge Magnum accessories.

The Dodge Magnum is the true essence of American power. Proud, triumphant, and often intimidating, the Dodge Magnum emanates a style that is of its own making. You just can't back down when it comes to delivering on all of the extra touches that your Magnum requires. After all, that wouldn't be right-your Magnum deserves better. You can lean on CARiD™ to help you along. We cover more ground than anyone else with our absolutely one-of-a-kind selection of Dodge Magnum accessories and parts that deliver you into the custom zone. Name brand quality and the lowest prices-that's just the beginning. Availability for model years 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008.
RKSport™ - Carbon Fiber Splitter. # RKS-15011006 - Dodge Magnum 2005-2007, RKSport™ - Carbon Fiber Splitter. Carbon Fiber components offer high-tech looks along with protection from daily road hazards. With Carbon Fiber Splitter, your stock front end is transformed into a show car masterpiece.
RKSport™ has been working with best in-house stylists for many years now, and they were the talented minds behind the RKSport™ ground effects packages. The original parts offers a lower looking car, while maintaining the same lines of the stock body. Each product comes with all OEM style mounting hardware and detailed instructions for easy installation. All ground effects components are manufactured from the highest quality urethane available for flexibility, durability and impact resistance. All RKSport™ products are unpainted.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Unless you've been like duh for the last few months, their making an adaptation of the G.I Joe franchise. It's gonna star some really big names like Brendan Fraser, Denis Quaid, Joseph Gordon-Levitt from Stop Loss, Channing Tatum from Step Up, Rachel Nichols, the hot babe from P2 and Sienna Miller.

Found some cool pics up on imdb so check it out.

Sienna Miller as The Baronnes. Heard she had to wear paddings to make her boobs look bigger. Sweet!
Will Channing Tatum dance in this one?

Whoooo Rachel Nichols. Helloooo

No idea who this is. I think hes one of the dudes from White Chicks.

Snake Eyes! Played by the guy who did Darth Maul in Star Wars Ep 1. He looks freaking badass man.

The movies coming out in August and the trailer should be out in a week or so. But I found a short clip of the movie:
Looks nice. Though when they said "From the Director of the Mummy..." My hopes went out the window.

The Wrestler: Review

C'mon dudes admit it.. we all were crazy about WWF back in the 90's. Man when I was like 12... I got Stunnered, Rock Bottomed, Chokeslamed, Low Blowed and Pedigreed cause I was so damn irritating back then.
So The Wrestler... the movie that's gonna make WWE fans so depressed cause it basically shows the sad truth they don't wanna acknowledge and that is that wrestling is FAKE and that wrestlers are human to. It's directed by Darren Aronofsky who previosuly did Requiem for a Dream and The Fountain which are two amazingly weird but cool films.
This film's about Randy 'The Ram' Robinson, an ageing wrestler who's pretty much a loser. Imagine being like the coolest person on Earth for a few years and was chomped up and spit out like you were nothing. He gets reduced to an old man that is in so much physical pain who has nothing. And the saddest part is he still doesn't get it that people don't care about his wrestling anymore. I mean, he's working like crazy at a meat factory just so he can finance his weekend wrestling at this shithole arena that no one goes to. Plus, he's in love with a 40 year old stripper.
The Wrestler pretty much talks about the problems real life wrestlers go throuh. They put their bodies through a lot of abuse becaue 'it was what they love doing' and when their old, their left with nothing but permanent physical scars. And who could have played the lead role better than Mickey Rourke. This guy was FANTASTIC in this movie!
Honestly, I've never heard of Mickey Rourke until a few months ago when The Wrestler came out, but he was apparently the Zac Efron of the 70's or something like that. But then he did a Britney Spears thing and derailed his career.
The acting in this movie was what made me really like it. Mickey Rourke gave an outstanding performance. He made you love and root for his character even though you know things are gonna end badly for him, which makes it more heartbreaking when it does. Evan Rachel Wood who plays his daughter was great to. She has an awesome scene at the end of the movie. And Marissa Tomei is just HOT man. I think she was naked for at least 80% of the whole movie.
The Wrestler is a clearly character and story driven film cause most of the technical aspects of the film was terrible. The movie does need a bit of patience on the audience's part mainly cause the camera work is really shaky. The Wrestler looked like it was shot entirely with a handycam and it does get a bit annoying sometimes. Also the background noises that wasn't edited out was a little distracting but I think the director purposely left that in to make the movie look more realistic. And I'm willing to bet that most of the characters in the movie were just ordinary people the director pulled in from around the set to act.
Watch this movie. You'll love it.

RATING: 8/10