Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1997 Chevy Silverado Grill.

Chevy Silverado Grill

Chevrolet Motor DivisionImage via Wikipedia

The Silverado has become one of Chevy’s most prized roster members and to show it its due respect, we offer an electrifying line of Chevy Silverado Grills that are considered the class of the industry. WoodView knows what you’re looking for in an insatiable, radiant 1997 Chevy Silverado Grill because ever since this rugged cruiser caught fire, we were the first to carry everything its drivers wanted. Some things never change, and now more than ever before, our expansive inventory is considered to be the best in the business. Only the highest-level manufacturers are brought in to make sure you get the outstanding lifetime quality that your truck needs. You want an image of classic boldness? WoodView is the place to choose the Chevy Silverado Grill that does the job right. Guaranteed.

GRILLCRAFT® - MX Series Mesh. # GC-CHE-1450X - Chevrolet Silverado/Pick UP 1997, Grillcraft MX-Series 2Pc Mesh Insert. Available in Black or Silver. GC-CHE-1450B or GC-CHE-1450S. Chevy Grill
MX-Series Grilles are made from our exclusive steel mesh pattern design along with our micro-frame design. All MX-Series grilles are zinc plated then finished with a 3 Stage baked on powder coating. SW-Series Grilles are made from T-304 Stainless Steel Woven Mesh along with GrillCraft's exclusive micro-frame design. All SW-Series grilles are Electro polished to a high-luster finish that shines like chrome but will never rust. carid.com Detailed installation instructions included, along with all the necessary mounting hardware.

1999-2002 Chevrolet Silverado photographed in USA.Image via Wikipedia

2000 Chevy Impala Grill.

2000-2005 Chevrolet Impala photographed in USA.Image via Wikipedia

Chevy Impala Grill
From the E&G Classics® “Q” Grille to Precision’s latest releases, WoodView offers the most exclusive line of Chevy Impala Grills found anywhere. We know what it takes to find front-end magic and we’ll never let you down. The precise fitment in each 2000 Chevy Impala Grill is what we promise because we know what’s most important. You’ll also find nothing but the highest quality selections in our inventory to choose from. Exterior style is always crucial to even the most casual of custom-hungry motorists. And the grille is always the first point of contact. Placed right in the front, it’s what gets noticed first. What does your Impala say about you? To find out for sure, choose your Chevy Impala Grill and watch the seething results take form!

T-REX® - Classic Billet Grille

# TRX-20162 - Chevrolet Impala 2000, T-REX® Classic Billet Grille Insert (13 Bars). car id

When it comes to manufacturing a quality product, it starts in the design department but it doesn't end there. We start with solid stock of aircraft quality T-5/T-6 billet aluminum (billet series) or 304 stanless steel (mesh series), rather than extruded aluminum as used by some competitors. The stock is cut to length then shaped to its specific contour. Each grille is then hand assembled into a custom jig and precision welded with a process called "T.I.G." to ensure a strong and clean weld. The final stage of manufacturing includes a three-stage polishing and cleaning. Chevy Grill
Detailed installation instructions included, along with all the necessary mounting hardware.

2000-2005 Chevrolet Impala photographed in USA.Image via Wikipedia

2000-2005 Chevrolet Impala photographed in USA.Image via Wikipedia

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sportcar booming in Indonesia, Lamborgini and Lotus come in

Indonesia's sport car market is on the booming. Right after the lauching of Lamborgini, Indonesia will see the launch of anoter spectacular sportcar, Lotus as reported by inilah.com

Qatar to pump funds into German auto industry

Qatar plans to invest in the German automotive industry, making it the second Gulf Arab state to cast a friendly eye on the country's carmakers this week, Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani told a German magazine.

'But we have to find the right time and the right price,' the emir of Qatar said in an interview to be published in Der Spiegel on Monday.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to Indonesia Tata Nano!!

Tampaknya Indonesia bakal kebagian rezeki dengan masuknya mobil TATA Nano ke Indonesia. Ini merupakan berkah buat masyarakat miskin Indonesia yang sangat memerlukan kendaraan untuk menunjang mobilitas yang aman.

Tapi tampaknya beberapa pihak di Indonesia mulai mempersulit. Budaya "kalau bisa dipersulit mengapa dipermudah" pun muncul. Dari berita di bawah ini diambil kesimpulan.

1. Menperin seharusnya tidak mempersulit masuknya TATA Nano ke Indoneia. Semakin banyak pemain di industri otomotif membuat persaingan semakin sehat dan menguntungkan konsumen.

2. Wajar saja pihak asosiasi akan menolak dengan halus masuk-nya mobil ini. Ini bisa dipahami bahwa bisnis mereka akan terganggu atau paling tidak mereka jadi "terpaksa" memberikan mobil bermutu tapi murah di Indonesia.

3. Alasan pihak asosiasi bahwa Indonesia akan lebih baik memilih membuat mobil sendiri adalah "bullshit". Mempermainkan nasionalisme untuk keuntungan bisnis anggota asosiasi. Terbukti sudah sudah hampir setengah abad Indonesia merdeka dan sudah hampir ribuan trilyun rupiah devisa negara dibawa ke Jepang dan Korea yang menjadi anggota asosiasi, Indonesia tidak pernah "diberi" dan diperbolehkan memproduksi mobil sendiri. Bahkan sekalas ASTRA dan Indomobil tidak pernah menggubris ajakan pemerintah memproduksi massal mobil marlip rancangan putra-putri Indonesia.

Ketakutan ini sama dengan ketakutan saat mobil korea mulai merajai jalanan di Indonesia menggeser Jepang. Para kepanjangan tangabn Jepang bahkan melakukan berbagai ancaman kepada pihak pemerintah.

4. Apabila mobil ini masuk ada kemungkinan asosiasi akan mengancam mem-PHK karyawan. Ini sebenarnya dalih lama sama seperti Daihatsu dulu mau memproduksi Xenia dan sama kasusnya ketika Timor, Perkasa dan mobil rancangan BPPT berani digalakkan pemerintah.

5. Kalaupun pemerintah melihat bahwa jalan-jalan di Jakarta sudah sangat sesak dengan mobil. Pemerintah kan bisa membuat aturan bahwa mobil ini hanya bisa dijual di luar Jakarta. Dengan ketentuan bila dijual di Jakarta akan mendapatkan pajak.

6. Kalaupun mobil ini masuk ke Indonesia, Indonesia harus memastikan bahwa harganya harus sama dengan di India. Artinya kalau harganya juga naik, pemerintah tidak seharusnya memberikan "bonus" dan keringan buat mobil rakyat ini.

7. Memasukkan mobil murah ini ke Indonesia, akan membantu angka kecelakaan menurun, karena banyak pemilik motor beralih ke mobil yang lebih aman.

8. Alasan asosiasi yang meragukan kualitas produksi TATA sangat tidak masuk akal. Karena hampir seluruh dunia salut dengan kualitas mobil ini dan TATA juga adalah pemilik jaguar yang beberap tingkat kualitasnya dengan mobil Jepag, Korea dan bahkan China.

9. Salut buat dubes India yang merespon langsung rilis mobil TATA ini yang langsung proaktif melobbi pemerintah Indonesia.

India telah melobi pemerintah Indonesia dalam hal ini Departemen Perindustrian untuk memasukkan mobil buatan murah buatannya yakni Tata Nano. Namun Indonesia belum bisa memberi jawaban.

"Kemarin Duta Besar India menanyakan bisa nggak mobil ini (Tata Nano) masuk ke Indonesia, tapi saya tidak bisa bilang ya atau tidak karena kita adalah anggota WTO yang menghargai prinsip-prinsip aturan WTO," kata Menteri Perindustrian Fahmi Idris dalam acara pembukaan IIMS ke-16, di JCC, Jakarta, Jumat (11/7/2008).

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Reva Electric Car Company announces the world premiere of its new Concept Car; REVA-NXG

Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Science & Technology, launched ‘REVA-NXG,’ the next generation Electric Vehicle created by REVA Electric Car Company Pvt. Ltd. (RECC) in Monaco last week.

Reva electric car received European Economic Community certification

A model sits inside a Reva electric car in front of the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources building in New Delhi in this file photo. India's first electric car, launched two years ago, has received European Economic Community certification, paving the way for exports to the continent from January, the Reva Electric Car Company said on Tuesday.

India may soon have car powered by hydrogen

If a group of defence scientists and automobile engineers has its way, people could soon be driving in India in a hydrogen fuel cell-powered mini car that could double up as a power generator.

Satu lagi mobil termurah India: Tara Tiny

Mobil khabarnya lebih murag 1000 rupess dari mobil tata nano. Kapan yanh launching nya?

Qingdao Aucma Electric Science & Technology Co., Ltd.

Qingdao Aucma Electric Science & Technology Co., Ltd. adalah produsen mobil listrik di China. Khabarnya perusahaan ini akan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan Tara Tiny di India memproduksi mobil termurah di dunia dengan banderal 90.000 rupees sementara rekor termurah dipegang oleh TATA Nano dengan harga 1 Lakhs atau 100.000 rupess.

Nasib si Marlip dan cemerlangnya mobil murah TATA

Nasib apes bakal dialami mobil marlip apabila Tata Nano masuk ke Indonesia. Sekali lagi rancangan buatan Indonesia akan masuk dapur dan bakal mungkin masuk tong sampah. TATA yang juga memiliki mobil elit Jaguar akan melibas mobil murah lain di Indonesia. ada beberapa kemungkinan hancurnya prospek masa depan Marlip ini

1. Kalangan pemodal Indonesia tidak ada yang tertarik memproduksi massal mobil malip
2. Pemerintahpun enggan dengan serius menstimulasi investor untuk mengembangkan marlip sebagai produk Indonesia
3. Pihak marlip gagal memperkenalkan dan memancing ketertarikan pemodal dalam negeri atau luar negeri untuk memasukkan modal ke Indonesia.
4. Depdag, perindustrian atau deplu seakan-akan enggan dan malu emmperkenalkan konsep marlip di luar negeri, untuk memancing pemodal. Padahal ada ratusan pameran di LN yang diadakan Indonesia.
5. Padahal sekarang ini investor khususnya dari teluk sedang gencar-gencarnya investasi dibidang otomotif. UAE bahkan akan membuat mobil murah di Pakistan.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Buy new fantastic proton car for only Rp. 75 mln

Malaysian National Car Manufacturer, Proton has launched it’s new SAGA last 18th Jan. An attractive ads promote on TV made me eager to see it on my own. Yes, it’s a new SAGA, replacement for the 23 years old Proton Saga,first Malaysian car. You have to see it on your own and judge this 16th model in Proton’s family. For me, the interior is quite simple, but the design quite nice.

New Saga tobe launched in Indonesia today

See here

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2002 Cadillac Eldorado Grill .

1986-1991 Cadillac Eldorado photographed in Mo...Image via Wikipedia

Cadillac Eldorado Grill
Not many models can claim the “classic” tag anymore, but the Eldorado wears the label well. One of the most visible luxury rides in the US since the early 80’s, this prized machine is still a vital member of the landscape and its drivers relish this fact. WoodView keeps them in the fold with the finest Cadillac Eldorado Grills in the world! The top-flight quality that just oozes with elegance serve as the supreme reminder of what this glamorous ride is still capable of. We provide you with the choices in Cadillac Grills that come from only the pinnacle in custom engineering to ensure the lifelong fit and finish you deserve. The most authentic collection at the best discounts available, the Cadillac Eldorado Grill that defines your presence are what is always most important.

E&G CLASSICS® - Low Profile Grille
# EG-1985-0101-88 - Cadillac Eldorado/Seville 1991, Low Profile Classic Grille - Silver by E&G CLASSICS®.
The E&G Classics® Classic Style Grille is like that bottle of fine wine served in a crystal glass-tasteful and luxurious. You are always going to want the most stylish, sophisticated upgrades for your car. In other words, you only want class. The Low Profile Classic Grille fits that description perfectly, demonstrating the precise lift in elegance that every ride needs. Comprised of ultra-quality stainless steel, it is the chrome bezel fit right in the middle that showcases the stunning difference this wonderful grille makes.
2002 Cadillac Eldorado Grill Stainless steel means one thing: guaranteed durability. Expertly designed and crafted, your grille comes with a Lifetime Warranty against manufacturer defects. Why? Because we know it’s the highest quality in the world! carid.com
Upon your order, you will receive your fresh, new grille, detailed instructions (with photos), and mounting hardware. Installation is a breeze. For some of our customers, professional installation may also be recommended. * This part replaces your factory grille.

Cadillac Motor Car DivisionImage via Wikipedia

1989 Cadillac Deville Grill.

1989-1993 Cadillac Deville photographed in USA.Image via Wikipedia

Cadillac Deville Grill
Standing alone is a constant goal for even the most casual of custom drivers. Those who climb behind the wheel of a Deville already know they have to stand apart a little more than the rest. When they hook up with Cadillac Deville Grill, it becomes easy to do. If you thought you seen it all, think again. WoodView’s collection of Cadillac Deville Grills come to you from the finest names in the business to show you exactly what superior quality means. E&G Classics ®, T-Rex and more are on hand because we know you want the best. The expertly cut and design pieces that drip with shimmering elegance take hold of your custom wishes and sets them free. At WoodView, that’s what we aim for. Only here is where you’ll find the Cadillac Deville Grills that quench your exterior desires.

E&G CLASSICS® - Classic Billet Grille.

# EG-1986-01XX-XX - Cadillac Deville /C Car

1989 Cadillac Deville Grill

So you want to stand out a little bit more from the rest? There are only so many ways to do that. Lucky for you, we have just the thing. E&G Classics® Classic Billet Grille is a surefire Hall of Famer that explodes the appearance of every model it graces. The intuitive, poetic contrast that this wonderfully crafted grille provides is reason #1 it’s the preferred grille of most show cars on the circuit. Elegant, modern, and truly special, the Classic Billet Grille presents a one-of-a-kind look that lasts forever. Cadillac Grills Ultra-grade aluminum means that this customized gem will keep its look for a long, long, time. Expertly designed and crafted, your grille comes with a Lifetime Warranty against manufacturer defects. Why? Because we know it’s the highest quality in the world! Upon your order, you will receive your fresh, new grille, detailed instructions (with photos), and mounting hardware. Installation is a breeze. For some of our customers, professional installation may also be recommended. car id automotive accessories * This part replaces your factory grille.

1989-1993 Cadillac Deville photographed in USA.Image via Wikipedia

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Indonesian car market recovering with sales up 7.4% in Feb

Indonesia's car market began to pick up with sales rising 7.4 per cent to 34,000 units in February, after being on the decline since late last year. In January sales sank to 31,634 units from 39,000 units in December representing a sharp fall from 46,122 units year-on-year.

The launching of new models and big cuts in the benchmark interest rate (BI Rate) by Bank Indonesia boosted sales, said Jojana Djodi, sales general manager of PT Toyota Astra Motor.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2004 Aston Martin DB-9 Grill.

Aston Martin DB-9 Grill
When it comes to the best you need the best. That statement is never truer when it comes to an Aston Martin DB-9 Grill. To help you roll along with the ravishing luxury your vehicle requires, we supply Asanti® Bodystyling Kits that feature all the trimmings. Just an absolutely gorgeous stainless steel grille is the center of this story, as it dresses up the front with more class and vigor than you could’ve hoped for. There is no look like it, but that’s what you should expect out of your Aston Martin Grill ! Fit to match your vehicle’s precise OEM measurements, this complete package is the perfect antidote to remaining stuck in neutral. Your baby needs only the finest. That’s what you get with WoodView’s definitive array of

2004 Aston Martin DB-9 Grill which further the legacy .

ASANTI® - Bodystyling Kit . # ASN-102200 - Aston Martin DB-9 2004 Bodystyling Kit by ASANTI®. The kit includes: grille, bumper, hood vents, trunk & side badges. ASANTI® luxury body styling kits are manufactured from the finest materials. Each piece is handcrafted and assembled in the USA. The Asanti grilles and side vents are formed to accentuate each vehicle, utilizing only the highest quality grade 304 stainless steel frames and finely woven, double-

Aston Martin DB9Image via Wikipedia

Being an Aston Martin owner isn’t as easy as it looks. Sure, you’re privy to one of the most cherished and desired automobiles on the planet. But getting your hands on the authentic quality aftermarket additions that you are on the prowl for is a challenge. There’s just not enough of the “real thing” out there for you to trust. Choosing the right Aston Martin Grills can be even tougher. Good thing you found us! WoodView knows pristine workmanship and premier style. We’ll show YOU the Aston Martin Grills that inject an elegantly dynamic finishing touch. At WoodView, we host many brands and Asanti® is one of our favorites. For your Aston Martin Grills, view our collection of Asanti® Bodystyling Kits that offer the unmistakable image enhancement you’ve been looking for. When you sit behind the wheel of a ride as precious as a DB-9 or Vantage, there is a responsibility to always knock on the classiest refinements possible. In order to that, you need elite quality. You’ve come to the right place. Frontline Aston Martin Grills can be hard to come by, especially when searching for authenticity. Not here! We’ll give you what you need, every time, no matter what. Go for the luxurious exclamation point that leaves no doubt.crimped mesh.

Aston Martin Lagonda LimitedImage via Wikipedia

2005 Aston Martin DB-9 Grill.

Aston Martin Lagonda LimitedImage via Wikipedia

Aston Martin DB-9 Grill
When it comes to the best you need the best. That statement is never truer when it comes to an Aston Martin DB-9 Grill. To help you roll along with the ravishing luxury your vehicle requires, we supply Asanti® Bodystyling Kits that feature all the trimmings. Just an absolutely gorgeous stainless steel grille is the center of this story, as it dresses up the front with more class and vigor than you could’ve hoped for. There is no look like it, but that’s what you should expect out of your Aston Martin DB-9 Grill! Fit to match your vehicle’s precise OEM measurements, this complete package is the perfect antidote to remaining stuck in neutral. Your baby needs only the finest. That’s what you get with WoodView’s definitive array of Aston Martin DB-9 Grills which further the legacy

# ASN-102200 - 2005 Aston Martin DB-9 Grill Bodystyling Kit by ASANTI®. The kit includes: grille, bumper, hood vents, trunk & side badges. ASANTI® luxury body styling kits are manufactured from the finest materials. Each piece is handcrafted and assembled in the USA. The Asanti grilles and side vents are formed to accentuate each vehicle, utilizing only the highest quality grade 304 stainless steel frames and finely woven, double-crimped mesh.

Being an Aston Martin owner isn’t as easy as it looks. Sure, you’re privy to one of the most cherished and desired automobiles on the planet. But getting your hands on the authentic quality aftermarket additions that you are on the prowl for is a challenge. There’s just not enough of the “real thing” out there for you to trust. Choosing the right Aston Martin Grills can be even tougher. Good thing you found us! WoodView knows pristine workmanship and premier style. We’ll show YOU the Aston Martin Grills that inject an elegantly dynamic finishing touch. At WoodView, we host many brands and Asanti® is one of our favorites. For your Aston Martin Grills, view our collection of Asanti® Bodystyling Kits that offer the unmistakable image enhancement you’ve been looking for. When you sit behind the wheel of a ride as precious as a DB-9 or Vantage, there is a responsibility to always knock on the classiest refinements possible. In order to that, you need elite quality. You’ve come to the right place. Frontline Aston Martin Grill can be hard to come by, especially when searching for authenticity. Not here! We’ll give you what you need, every time, no matter what. Go for the luxurious exclama

2004 Aston Martin DB9 coupéImage via Wikipedia

tion point that leaves no doubt.

Aston Martin DB 9Image by code_martial via Flickr