So check it out,
CinemaBlend has been stalking Lee Unkrich, the director of Toy Story 3 on Twitter and have gotten some updates on the third Toy Story.
1. The Toy Story/Toy Story 2 3-D Double Feature made $22 million dollars in the box office this week and it's run, initially intended for 2 weeks has been extended. Why the hell don't we have the 3-D Double Feature here in Malaysia? Damn you government!

2. Disney has released a new character poster featuring Slinky Dog.
3. Blake Clark, a comedian known for random roles in Adam Sandler movies, will be taking over as the voice of Slinky Dog, cause the original voice actor Jim Varney died of lung cancer after Toy Story 2 was completed4. John Morris, the original voice of Andy in the first 2 Toy Story movies will be returning to voice the grown up version of Andy in the 3rd movie. I LOVE PIXAR!