Monday, November 30, 2009
Iron Man 2 Poster!
Yahoo! Movies has debuted this first poster for Marvel Studios' Iron Man 2, which Paramount Pictures will release in theaters on May 7. The poster gives you a first official look at War Machine! Directed by Jon Favreau, the anticipated sequel stars Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Jon Favreau, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Garry Shandling, John Slattery, Kate Mara, Clark Gregg and Olivia Munn.
About Modified-Cars.Info

Modified Cars is a database of vehicles which have been enhanced by their owners to make them stand out from the crowd. We hope to feature thousands of motors that have been modded to improve their looks and / or their performance.Modified Cars is a database of vehicles which have been enhanced by their owners to make them stand out from the crowd. We hope to feature thousands of motors that have been modded to improve their looks and / or their performance. At the present time, most of the photographs are our own, but we hope to receive pictures from our users to enhance our database. If your car is already pictured here, then please get in touch to tell us a little bit more about it; we'd love to be able to list full details of the work done on all of the cars in our database.
If your car isn't shown here, then please send us pictures and some information about it. Note - we understand that there is no restiction on showing pictures of cars including their number plates. However, if your car is in our database showing its plates, and you would prefer the numbers to be obscured then we will happily do that for you. Most owners don't have any problem with plates being displayed; the plates are after all, on display on the road. Many of our pictures were taken at car shows and owners who don't want their plates visible tend to remove them or else cover them with an appropriate show plate.
Solar Cars

In the last times lots of scientists and the general society have been discussing a lot about the creation and development of ecological cars, more environment friendly.
One of the types of ecological cars is the group of solar cars.
As its own name suggests, solar cars are cars that obtain energy through the sun energy. In this process the radiation coming from the sun is collected by solar panels. These solar panels are going to transform solar energy in electric energy, allowing the car to work without the use of any pollutant gases and with a lot of autonomy.
Anyway, to achieve a good performance with this kind of vehicles it is needed to think about the car’s structure very well before, in fact, developing it. We must be aware that the bigger the area of solar panels the bigger the energy produced. But, we must also be aware of the fact that we can’t create a very big car in order to produce more energy. So, the key to success is the way the car is developed and its design.
There is a tournament related to solar cars and it’s called the World Solar Challenge. This challenge is a competition organized in Australia in which some teams compete in a race with solar cars, trying to get the best results and the best performance of the vehicle. In this challenge some results revealed that some these solar cars are able to make 3000 kilometers with the same energy used with 5 liters of gasoline, which is very good and clearly reveals the low usage of energy in all this process.
These cars aren’t available to the general society yet, being only models to be shown in technology events or specific competitions, like the race challenge mentioned above.
In the last times lots of scientists and the general society have been discussing a lot about the creation and development of ecological cars, more environment friendly.
One of the types of ecological cars is the group of solar cars.
As its own name suggests, solar cars are cars that obtain energy through the sun energy. In this process the radiation coming from the sun is collected by solar panels. These solar panels are going to transform solar energy in electric energy, allowing the car to work without the use of any pollutant gases and with a lot of autonomy.
Anyway, to achieve a good performance with this kind of vehicles it is needed to think about the car’s structure very well before, in fact, developing it. We must be aware that the bigger the area of solar panels the bigger the energy produced. But, we must also be aware of the fact that we can’t create a very big car in order to produce more energy. So, the key to success is the way the car is developed and its design.
There is a tournament related to solar cars and it’s called the World Solar Challenge. This challenge is a competition organized in Australia in which some teams compete in a race with solar cars, trying to get the best results and the best performance of the vehicle. In this challenge some results revealed that some these solar cars are able to make 3000 kilometers with the same energy used with 5 liters of gasoline, which is very good and clearly reveals the low usage of energy in all this process.
These cars aren’t available to the general society yet, being only models to be shown in technology events or specific competitions, like the race challenge mentioned above.
In the last times lots of scientists and the general society have been discussing a lot about the creation and development of ecological cars, more environment friendly.
One of the types of ecological cars is the group of solar cars.
As its own name suggests, solar cars are cars that obtain energy through the sun energy. In this process the radiation coming from the sun is collected by solar panels. These solar panels are going to transform solar energy in electric energy, allowing the car to work without the use of any pollutant gases and with a lot of autonomy.
Anyway, to achieve a good performance with this kind of vehicles it is needed to think about the car’s structure very well before, in fact, developing it. We must be aware that the bigger the area of solar panels the bigger the energy produced. But, we must also be aware of the fact that we can’t create a very big car in order to produce more energy. So, the key to success is the way the car is developed and its design.
There is a tournament related to solar cars and it’s called the World Solar Challenge. This challenge is a competition organized in Australia in which some teams compete in a race with solar cars, trying to get the best results and the best performance of the vehicle. In this challenge some results revealed that some these solar cars are able to make 3000 kilometers with the same energy used with 5 liters of gasoline, which is very good and clearly reveals the low usage of energy in all this process.
These cars aren’t available to the general society yet, being only models to be shown in technology events or specific competitions, like the race challenge mentioned above.
One of the types of ecological cars is the group of solar cars.
As its own name suggests, solar cars are cars that obtain energy through the sun energy. In this process the radiation coming from the sun is collected by solar panels. These solar panels are going to transform solar energy in electric energy, allowing the car to work without the use of any pollutant gases and with a lot of autonomy.
Anyway, to achieve a good performance with this kind of vehicles it is needed to think about the car’s structure very well before, in fact, developing it. We must be aware that the bigger the area of solar panels the bigger the energy produced. But, we must also be aware of the fact that we can’t create a very big car in order to produce more energy. So, the key to success is the way the car is developed and its design.
There is a tournament related to solar cars and it’s called the World Solar Challenge. This challenge is a competition organized in Australia in which some teams compete in a race with solar cars, trying to get the best results and the best performance of the vehicle. In this challenge some results revealed that some these solar cars are able to make 3000 kilometers with the same energy used with 5 liters of gasoline, which is very good and clearly reveals the low usage of energy in all this process.
These cars aren’t available to the general society yet, being only models to be shown in technology events or specific competitions, like the race challenge mentioned above.
In the last times lots of scientists and the general society have been discussing a lot about the creation and development of ecological cars, more environment friendly.
One of the types of ecological cars is the group of solar cars.
As its own name suggests, solar cars are cars that obtain energy through the sun energy. In this process the radiation coming from the sun is collected by solar panels. These solar panels are going to transform solar energy in electric energy, allowing the car to work without the use of any pollutant gases and with a lot of autonomy.
Anyway, to achieve a good performance with this kind of vehicles it is needed to think about the car’s structure very well before, in fact, developing it. We must be aware that the bigger the area of solar panels the bigger the energy produced. But, we must also be aware of the fact that we can’t create a very big car in order to produce more energy. So, the key to success is the way the car is developed and its design.
There is a tournament related to solar cars and it’s called the World Solar Challenge. This challenge is a competition organized in Australia in which some teams compete in a race with solar cars, trying to get the best results and the best performance of the vehicle. In this challenge some results revealed that some these solar cars are able to make 3000 kilometers with the same energy used with 5 liters of gasoline, which is very good and clearly reveals the low usage of energy in all this process.
These cars aren’t available to the general society yet, being only models to be shown in technology events or specific competitions, like the race challenge mentioned above.
In the last times lots of scientists and the general society have been discussing a lot about the creation and development of ecological cars, more environment friendly.
One of the types of ecological cars is the group of solar cars.
As its own name suggests, solar cars are cars that obtain energy through the sun energy. In this process the radiation coming from the sun is collected by solar panels. These solar panels are going to transform solar energy in electric energy, allowing the car to work without the use of any pollutant gases and with a lot of autonomy.
Anyway, to achieve a good performance with this kind of vehicles it is needed to think about the car’s structure very well before, in fact, developing it. We must be aware that the bigger the area of solar panels the bigger the energy produced. But, we must also be aware of the fact that we can’t create a very big car in order to produce more energy. So, the key to success is the way the car is developed and its design.
There is a tournament related to solar cars and it’s called the World Solar Challenge. This challenge is a competition organized in Australia in which some teams compete in a race with solar cars, trying to get the best results and the best performance of the vehicle. In this challenge some results revealed that some these solar cars are able to make 3000 kilometers with the same energy used with 5 liters of gasoline, which is very good and clearly reveals the low usage of energy in all this process.
These cars aren’t available to the general society yet, being only models to be shown in technology events or specific competitions, like the race challenge mentioned above.
Ecological Cars

Nowadays, one of the main problems that scientists and society discuss every day is the environment and pollution of the environment. Some scientists made studies about pollution in Earth and they came to the conclusion that in a short period of time we will be able to notice catastrophic changes in Earth’s environment and surface. To clear this problem, or at least to turn it less bad, some associations and organizations have been organizing some campaigns. The goal of this kind of campaigns is to decrease pollution levels and to improve the environment and the life conditions on earth.
One of the most important pollutants of the air is the smoke coming from cars’ exhaust pipes. If we think about the number of gases emitted by these exhaust pipes, the number of kilometers of each car and the number of cars all over the world, we will conclude that the pollution levels on Earth are going wild.
To prevent this situation and help Earth’s atmosphere, some scientists and car factories had the idea of creating ecological cars.
Ecological cars are cars made thinking about the environment and the reduction of the emission of pollutants. Some of them aren’t even fueled by gas, avoiding the emission of carbon gas to the atmosphere.
As mentioned above, there are different types of ecological cars, there’s not a standard model for an ecological car. Some examples of the most important types of ecological cars: solar cars, hydrogen cars, electric cars and cars fueled by biofuel.
Anyway, we must be aware that there’s no car completely environment friendly. But, this kind of cars are still very important, since they help a lot in the reduction of pollution all over the world.
Ecological cars aren’t the solution yet, but so far they’re the best way we can protect our planet and our atmosphere.
One of the most important pollutants of the air is the smoke coming from cars’ exhaust pipes. If we think about the number of gases emitted by these exhaust pipes, the number of kilometers of each car and the number of cars all over the world, we will conclude that the pollution levels on Earth are going wild.
To prevent this situation and help Earth’s atmosphere, some scientists and car factories had the idea of creating ecological cars.
Ecological cars are cars made thinking about the environment and the reduction of the emission of pollutants. Some of them aren’t even fueled by gas, avoiding the emission of carbon gas to the atmosphere.
As mentioned above, there are different types of ecological cars, there’s not a standard model for an ecological car. Some examples of the most important types of ecological cars: solar cars, hydrogen cars, electric cars and cars fueled by biofuel.
Anyway, we must be aware that there’s no car completely environment friendly. But, this kind of cars are still very important, since they help a lot in the reduction of pollution all over the world.
Ecological cars aren’t the solution yet, but so far they’re the best way we can protect our planet and our atmosphere.
Hydrogen Cars

Nowadays cars have a very negative impact in environment because they use energy coming from fossil fuels. The big problem of fossil fuels is that their burning emits some gases that have a very bad impact in environment and in people’s health. On the other hand, fossil fuels are not renewable, which means that if we use them more than we should one day they will end and we will have no more fuel.
But, what if we could use other ways of obtaining energy for our cars? Other ways that would be environment friendly and would help us to preserve our planet?
Yes, now it’s possible. Besides the regular fossil fuels, it’s not possible to get energy for our cars using another gas, hydrogen.
Hydrogen is one of the gases that we use to breath, being the most abundant element in the whole universe.
In this way, we can easily notice that this gas is not negative to the atmosphere nor to the human health, being a great option for an alternative way of producing energy to cars.
Anyway, using hydrogen to produce energy also has some problems related. First of all, its industrial production emits some pollutants to the atmosphere. Then, only 1/10 of the total of hydrogen produced is, in fact, used to keep our car working.
Still, hydrogen is a very good alternative, at least much better than using fossil fuels.
But, what if we could use other ways of obtaining energy for our cars? Other ways that would be environment friendly and would help us to preserve our planet?
Yes, now it’s possible. Besides the regular fossil fuels, it’s not possible to get energy for our cars using another gas, hydrogen.
Hydrogen is one of the gases that we use to breath, being the most abundant element in the whole universe.
In this way, we can easily notice that this gas is not negative to the atmosphere nor to the human health, being a great option for an alternative way of producing energy to cars.
Anyway, using hydrogen to produce energy also has some problems related. First of all, its industrial production emits some pollutants to the atmosphere. Then, only 1/10 of the total of hydrogen produced is, in fact, used to keep our car working.
Still, hydrogen is a very good alternative, at least much better than using fossil fuels.
Electric Cars

A great alternative to the normal and pollutant cars are, among other options, is the electric car.
As its own name suggests, this cars are fueled by electricity, whether they are or they are not hybrid.
We can divide the energy origin in two groups: the energy coming from gas fuel and the energy coming from electricity. Hybrid cars are cars that work with both kinds of energy. But, cars that only work with electricity are not hybrid, therefore they aren’t fueled by any kind of fossil fuels, so they’re not so pollutant.
Normally, these kinds of cars are equipped with some rechargeable batteries that can be recharged in any electrical outlet and give your car some autonomy. Anyway, the disadvantages of electrical cars are that these kind of cars don’t have that much autonomy and the vehicle can only work very slowly, being incapable of having the same driving velocity when compared to regular cars.
Among all the alternatives in ecological cars market, electric cars are the more developed ones. The studies and production of these cars are already in a very advanced level when compared to solar cars, for example. Some enterprises are already starting to sell electric cars. The prices are still very high, though.
Electric cars are a very good alternative in what concerns the reduction of pollution coming from vehicles. Anyway, we must notice that these cars are fueled by electricity and recharged in electric outlets. Where is electricity coming from then? Yes, from the stations responsible for the production of energy, the stations that emit pollutants to the atmosphere. Well, but in any case electric car is still the best and less pollutant option.
As its own name suggests, this cars are fueled by electricity, whether they are or they are not hybrid.
We can divide the energy origin in two groups: the energy coming from gas fuel and the energy coming from electricity. Hybrid cars are cars that work with both kinds of energy. But, cars that only work with electricity are not hybrid, therefore they aren’t fueled by any kind of fossil fuels, so they’re not so pollutant.
Normally, these kinds of cars are equipped with some rechargeable batteries that can be recharged in any electrical outlet and give your car some autonomy. Anyway, the disadvantages of electrical cars are that these kind of cars don’t have that much autonomy and the vehicle can only work very slowly, being incapable of having the same driving velocity when compared to regular cars.
Among all the alternatives in ecological cars market, electric cars are the more developed ones. The studies and production of these cars are already in a very advanced level when compared to solar cars, for example. Some enterprises are already starting to sell electric cars. The prices are still very high, though.
Electric cars are a very good alternative in what concerns the reduction of pollution coming from vehicles. Anyway, we must notice that these cars are fueled by electricity and recharged in electric outlets. Where is electricity coming from then? Yes, from the stations responsible for the production of energy, the stations that emit pollutants to the atmosphere. Well, but in any case electric car is still the best and less pollutant option.
Auto show's coolest cars

Daily News writer Patrick Huguenin takes a look some of the cars from the 2008 New York International Auto Show. First up: BEST MOVIE HERO CAR: Audi R8 V12 TDI Le Mans concept: The Audi R8 has already earned its spot in pop culture. Courteney Cox uses one to zip around Tinseltown in FX's tabloid drama "Dirt." She'd be lucky to get her hands on a Le Mans concept version, which upgrades the engine to a 12-cylinder that runs on diesel. It's got a paparazzi-chasing top speed of just under 200 mph, but it's also fuel efficient. We know James Bond loves his Aston Martins, but wouldn't fuel efficiency and lower emissions give a good guy more room to be bad?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Mitsuoka Orochi Concept Car 2006

The “Orochi Nude Top Roadstar” is a new design proposal that expands the frame of the conventional “Orochi”. There are many reasons for loving and for selecting a car. These include specifications, driving performance, environmental performance, new technologies and how well the vehicle matches your lifestyle. However, one other key reason is “design”.

Our design approach is to vividly and directly appeal to one`s sight, spirit and sensitivity. The “Orochi Nude Top Roadster” exemplifies how this new approach is taking form. We applied a more open design and gull-wing doors to the previous road-version prototype “Orochi”. The name “nude top”is well suited for this beautiful and stylish design.We even went so far as to not attach any side mirrors in order to create a daring design that would bring forth this new “Orochi”. We hope that you will take aclose look at this unique design.
We have redone the chassis and body panels for the commercial “Orochi” currently being developed and various other preparations are being made for the start of testing. We have had many inquiries from customers eagerly awaiting the new “Orochi”. All of our employees have been working hard together with an unwavering purpose in order to realize commercialization of this car. We would like to ask these loyal customers to wait just a little bit longer.

In the past, we’ve seen the Orochi referred to as a supercar, but while it looks as (if not more) exotic as just about any limited-production vehicle on the planet, it lacks the performance credentials (on paper, at least) to put it in supercar territory. In fact, the powertrain will be familiar to many. The 3.3L V6 mounted aft of the passenger compartment is Toyota’s well-known 3MZ-FE, which sees duty in the Camry, Solara, Sienna, Highlander, and Lexus RX (hybrid and standard versions). It makes around 230 horsepower and is connected to a Toyota 5-speed automatic. The decision was made to place efficiency and ease of use ahead of high performance.

In the past, we’ve seen the Orochi referred to as a supercar, but while it looks as (if not more) exotic as just about any limited-production vehicle on the planet, it lacks the performance credentials (on paper, at least) to put it in supercar territory. In fact, the powertrain will be familiar to many. The 3.3L V6 mounted aft of the passenger compartment is Toyota’s well-known 3MZ-FE, which sees duty in the Camry, Solara, Sienna, Highlander, and Lexus RX (hybrid and standard versions). It makes around 230 horsepower and is connected to a Toyota 5-speed automatic. The decision was made to place efficiency and ease of use ahead of high performance.

400 Orochis will be built over the next four years, each costing ¥10,500,000 (around $89,000 USD). Orders can be placed beginning today with the first deliveries taking place in January 2007.Technical Specifications:Total length / Width / Total height = 4560mm / 2035mm / 1180mmWheelbase: 2600mmGround Clearance: 130mmVehicle weight: 1580kgPassengers: 2Engine: 3.3L V6DOHC (Toyota 3MZ-FE)Max output: 233ps (172kW) at 5600rpmMax torque: 33.4kg-m (328Nm) at 4400rpmFuel capacity: 60 liters (unleaded premium)Transmission: 5-speed AT (Toyota)Drive system: Mid-engine/rear driveSuspension: front and rear double wishboneTires: Front: 245/45ZR18, Rear: 285/40ZR18Body: hand made FRP make bodyDoor: side impact door with built-in steel beamsChassis: handmade steel space frameEquipment:Low-beam side HID, motorized door mirror, airbags, automatic A/C, the Panasonic HDD Navigation, power windows, immobilizer, and full leather interior all standard
Tops for 2010: Hot sports cars
The 370Z perfectly channels the sports car purity of the 1969 240Z; you can see the old car in the shape of the new car’s upper canopy and its overall “squat.”
Its standard V-6 has been enlarged to 3.7 liters, and power is up to 332 horsepower. The standard six-speed manual transmission is available with computer-controlled, rev-matching downshifts (the system “blips” the throttle for you when you upshift or downshift, for ultrafast gear changes). With more power (and weighing nearly 100 pounds less), the 370 can nail 60 mph in five seconds.
The Z-car is often compared with the (thoroughly excellent) Chevrolet Corvette, but the Nissan is much smaller — its wheelbase is only 100.4 inches vs. the ’Vette’s 105.7 inches and it is nearly 8 inches shorter overall — which gives it the feel of a true sports car while the Corvette, with its huge V-8 and larger footprint is really more of a hybrid sport-muscle car. The 370Z has another virtue: It costs $10,000-$15,000 less than a new Corvette.
• 2010 VW GTIBase MSRP: $25,700 (estimated)
Volkswagen intends to bring the GTI back to its roots for 2010 — and provide a more budget-friendly alternative to last year’s fun but largely unaffordable R32 ($32,990). The new Golf-based GTI will feature a 210 hp turbocharged, direct injected 2.0 liter four-cylinder engine and the buyer’s choice of six-speed manual or six speed “clutchless” manual Direct Shift Gearbox.
India electric car pioneer plans biggest plug-in car plant
Now Maini, the man behind Reva Electric Car Co., is building in southern India what he says will be the world’s biggest factory making battery-powered city commuter cars.
“It’s the first attempt at mass production of a green car,” said Maini, who studied hybrid electric technology at California’s Stanford University and developed the no-clutch, no-gears Reva as head of a 75-member engineering team.
“With growing climate change awareness, I think we’re at the tipping point for electric cars,” Maini told AFP in an interview.
The drive in 1990 which set Maini on his career track was a General Motors-sponsored solar-powered race in which his car finished third, beating many of the global car companies.
“Driving across the continent on the sun’s energy made me think how we could use alternative energy to power cars in the Indian context,” he said.
“When I saw how our cities were getting polluted, I realised employing clean, alternative energy could make a lot of sense — we needed to develop this kind of technology,” he said.
Maini has put some 3,000 of the zero-polluting three-door Revas on the roads in India and Britain — where it is known as the G-Wiz — in the eight years since the company started selling the cars.
Reva was formed in 1994 as a joint venture between the family-owned Maini Group and AEV of the United States to manufacture environment-friendly vehicles.
But it took seven years for the first Reva to go on sale as Maini and his team worked on the design.
Afterward, “we were in a test marketing phase, trying to see how people used electric cars, what were their needs. But that’s now over and we’re ready to move to the mass-market stage,” Maini said.
In September, Reva got a big endorsement when GM announced it would team up with the tiny car company to develop a plug-in version of the best-selling GM Spark mini-car as the US giant embraces electrically powered driving.
“We think their technology is the best,” said GM India president Karl Slym.
The Reva — named after Maini’s mother — can seat two adults and two children and cover 50 miles (80 kilometres) on a single charge of electricity. New models feature sleeker looks than the Reva, which resembles a modified golf-cart, and will offer greater distance.
The company’s next generation three-door, four-seater hatchback NXR is intended to be a family car and will go into production in 2010. It will have a top speed of 65 miles per hour and travel 100 miles on a single charge.
The car will go on sale for around 10,000 euros (15,000 dollars) and can be charged in 90 minutes.
The higher-end NXG will have a 125-mile range and an 80 mile per hour top speed and sell for 23,000 euros in Europe.
The price of the new vehicles is not fixed for India but the cars are expected to sell for “much less,” said Maini.
The Reva currently retails for around 350,000 rupees (7,500 dollars) and is built at a small factory outside the southern city of Bangalore.
Maini is targeting people who want a vehicle for city jaunts or as a second automobile.
The cost of running an electric car in India is a tenth of a petrol-fuelled car, Maini said. The car has no oil filters, spark plugs or radiators so maintenance costs are also low.
“Since we started, there’s been quite a big change in consumer mind-sets,” said Maini, whose love affair with cars began when he was a child assembling remote-controlled toy vehicles.
“We are also seeing a large policy shift by governments to environmentally friendly vehicles,” he added.
Maini is eyeing annual sales of “5,000 plus” for the next three years and then 30,000 annually from cars produced at his new Bangalore factory, which is being built with venture funding.
There is a large market as the infrastructure for electricity is widespread — even in India, he said.
“All you need is the installation of a standard plug point — 15 amps — that is used for an air conditioner or an iron. Most people only need a larger car if they are going out of town.”
The tie-up with GM is part of a three-pronged strategy for Reva which wants to make its own cars under the Reva brand, franchise production in countries such as the United States and license the company’s technology for use by global companies.
GM and Reva have promised the new electrically powered Spark mini-car will be on Indian roads in a year and they see a market later abroad.
Cambodia: ‘Telepathic’ Car Symbolises Auto Industry
“I just snap my fingers and the car’s door will open. Or I just think of opening the car’s door, and the door opens immediately,” says the 51-year-old as he proudly shows off the homemade car, named the Angkor 333-2010.
Onlookers gasp as he demonstrates the trick, and with the fibre-glass vehicle having cost him $5,000 and 19 months of labour he is in no mood to reveal the remote control system behind it.
But as with a handful of other Cambodians who make their own curious cars, he dreams the two-seater will help foster an automobile industry in the country, still poor after decades of conflict.
“I am very excited and proud of this car because many people admire me and keep asking me about how I can make it,” he says, adding that it reaches speeds of up to 100 kilometres (62 miles) per hour. Kong Pharith, a 48-year-old former maths and physics teacher who has also produced his own car, says an auto industry is about to blossom in Cambodia.
“Our works will be part of a motivating force for the next generation to access new inventions and show the world that Cambodia has an ability to do what you think we cannot,” he says.
The inventor, who first came to national attention in 2005 for building a solar-powered bicycle, thinks he has now hit on a truly unique product with his orange, jeep-like vehicle with solar panels on its roof. Kong Pharith says it took him four months to design and put the final polish on his “tribrid” car which operates on solar energy, electricity and gasoline, hitting speeds of up to 40 kilometres per hour with its 2,000 watt motor.
“I’m really happy about my achievement but not very satisfied with it yet,” he says, adding that Cambodia’s lack of modern technology and materials are a minor obstacle to efficient manufacturing. The dream of building cars in Cambodia may not be far-fetched. Officials have announced plans for South Korean automaker Hyundai to open a plant in southwestern Cambodia, assembling some 3,000 vehicles per year.
Cambodia did actually assemble cars in a factory during the 1960s, before the country was caught in the maelstrom of the Vietnam War.
The Angkor 333-2010 is the third he has built, and his first to talk. When Phaloek slams the door a voice out of the dashboard moans: “Why do you close me too strongly?”
“Dozens of local and foreign guests have come and seen my car,” Nhean Phaloek says with a smile. “One British man told me that it is the Cambodian James Bond car.”
(500) Days of Summer: Review
In contrast to the last review, I. Love. This. Movie. 500 Days is my current favorite of 2009, that is until Avatar comes out of course. This film is just another reason why I love indie films so much. It hits everything with perfect charm and wit and they do it all with little to no budgets.
The film is a story about an offbeat romance of boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. But girl doesn't.They spend 500 days together and girl leaves boy heartbroken after that. He begins to tell the story of their 500 days in non-linear order to find out what went wrong.
Okay so first I gotta talk about the two leads of the movie. Zooey Deschanel really surprised me with her acting. Summer kinds reminds me of Annie Hall for some reason, not to mention she is mad beautiful. Though some parts through the movie I just wanted to hate her, I couldn't. Shes that girl that we guys just can't hate no matter what.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a character every guy can relate to. A nice boy just trying his best to impress the girl way out of his league and the frustration he feels when the feelings aren't mutual. I like Joseph Gordon-Levitt man. I root for this guy. You want him to get the girl. There was a scene where his character finally got Summer and he breaks into a fantasy dance sequence (which I bet all us guys feel like doing when they get the girl of their dreams) BTW, don't ya'll think he's the spitting image of Heath Ledger?!
If you liked the humour from indie gems like Little Miss Sunshine and Juno, 500 is perfect for you. It a sweet mix for warm comedy and drama. Prepare for lots of clever, witty one-liners and retorts. And wow, the supporting cast was phenomenal.
The method the story is told is incredibly genius to. The editing is incredibly innovative. There is one amazing scene where Gordon-Levitts character is going to a party in Summers place and the screen gets split in two. On the left side it shows how his character hopes thier date would turn out and the right side shows his cold brutal reality. Flawlessly beautiful. Something I bet we can all relate to.
Best damn show I've seen this year. I will announce that once more. You guys have got to check this out. It just leaves you with a big grin on your face and that fuzziness inside without compromising with it's serious message of heartbreak and commitment.
RATING: 9/10 (Someone please beg me for the DVD. This movie must be seen!)
The film is a story about an offbeat romance of boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. But girl doesn't.They spend 500 days together and girl leaves boy heartbroken after that. He begins to tell the story of their 500 days in non-linear order to find out what went wrong.
Okay so first I gotta talk about the two leads of the movie. Zooey Deschanel really surprised me with her acting. Summer kinds reminds me of Annie Hall for some reason, not to mention she is mad beautiful. Though some parts through the movie I just wanted to hate her, I couldn't. Shes that girl that we guys just can't hate no matter what.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a character every guy can relate to. A nice boy just trying his best to impress the girl way out of his league and the frustration he feels when the feelings aren't mutual. I like Joseph Gordon-Levitt man. I root for this guy. You want him to get the girl. There was a scene where his character finally got Summer and he breaks into a fantasy dance sequence (which I bet all us guys feel like doing when they get the girl of their dreams) BTW, don't ya'll think he's the spitting image of Heath Ledger?!
If you liked the humour from indie gems like Little Miss Sunshine and Juno, 500 is perfect for you. It a sweet mix for warm comedy and drama. Prepare for lots of clever, witty one-liners and retorts. And wow, the supporting cast was phenomenal.
The method the story is told is incredibly genius to. The editing is incredibly innovative. There is one amazing scene where Gordon-Levitts character is going to a party in Summers place and the screen gets split in two. On the left side it shows how his character hopes thier date would turn out and the right side shows his cold brutal reality. Flawlessly beautiful. Something I bet we can all relate to.
Best damn show I've seen this year. I will announce that once more. You guys have got to check this out. It just leaves you with a big grin on your face and that fuzziness inside without compromising with it's serious message of heartbreak and commitment.
RATING: 9/10 (Someone please beg me for the DVD. This movie must be seen!)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Gerard Spinks as The Underground Millionaire Mercedes Benz Armor Protection for Black Men

When I say protect ya neck, I mean it. Here’s the specs on the Mercedes Benz armored vehicle. This car will protect you from 9 MM and .44 Magnums. This will keep Plaxico and others safe. Do it now. Don’t go to jail. I’m serious.
Mercedes Benz Armored Vehicle E-guard
Mercedes Benz Armored Vehicle E-guard
“A brother of the Mercedes-Benz S Guard, the E Guard class represents itself as very safe, reliable and luxurious armored car which comes fully armored from a production line. The B4 protection level protects passengers from hand guns such as 9mm gun, 0.357 Magnum, 0.44 Magnum with speeds up to 440 m/s.
Production of the model series W 211 started in the year 2002 and continues until today (2007). The E Guard models use 4 types of engine; the E320 and E500 (both of which were released in 2002*), E350 (2005*) and E320 CDI (2006*). Unlike the S 600 Guard class with B6/B7 armoring protection and speed electronically limited to 210 km/h, the E class’ weight is 2580 kgs (see the table below for more details) which makes it possible to reach a maximum speed of 240 km/h which is also electronically limited.
Due to it’s armor weight, the Mercedes-Benz E Guard cars use the Anti-Dive system which prevents the vehicle suspension from deflecting. Such deflects are caused by braking, when the front wheels and wheelbase get put under enormous pressure. Naturally, similar forces develop on the rear wheels and wheelbase during the acceleration process which is why the Anti-Squat system is also used there. Anti-Squat is simply the same system as Anti-Dive, but designed for the rear.”
Cup holder Mounted Laptop Tray: Hot or not?

Lodging Laptops and gadgets in the car is as normal as taking a walk. Okay, these two can’t be compared, but the basic point that I’m trying to convey is that the use of laptops is inevitable, not that we encourage you to use it while commuting. Vehicles, these days are office-goers’ prime mobile offices, so it’s important that the workplace be made as comfortable as it can be, in a meager budget. Designer Mike Davis has created an in-vehicle laptop tray for his pick up truck for one tenth the cost of the high-end, commercial laptop trays.
Laptop Car Mount General Business - Gamber-Johnson

Laptop Car Mount Select by: Industry
Business Laptop Car Mount
Gamber-Johnson’s broad line of modularly-designed products enables most customers to find a solution that fits their needs. We have innovative products like the seat mounted vehicle base and NotePad universal laptop cradle that help small business owners, salespeople and real estate and insurance agents find mounting systems that will safely and securely restrain laptops for field usBusiness - Gamber-Johnson
Laptop In Car Builtin

1. Satellite Radio Car Kit
The most popular kits among gadgets are universal vehicle kit for satellite radio. The last generation of such kits gives motorists the possibility to enjoy radio in first, second, third etc vehicles.
universal vehicle kit for satellite radio
2. Car Printer
A portable car printer that is printing documents from a PDA or laptop via hardwire or Bluetooth is another useful gadget designed mostly for businessmen. Imagine the situation when a driver needs some urgent report but the trouble is that he forgot to do it at home. The gadget will solve the problem in no time within the vehicle.
portable car printer vehicle Printer
3. Integrated Gaming System
A special gadget for playing games during the rush hours was possibly designed for people to be very nervous during rush hours. Some types of such gadgets give the possibility to play the games with other drivers. Sociologists say it is really good for people who can’t concentrate themselves in traffic jams.
integrated gaming system
4. Solar Powered Ventilator
Hi-tech solar powered ventilator was created for making mild climate in your vehicle. Such ventilators have different regimes. The drivers can choose various options, as an option for driving at night when the motorist shouldn’t be asleep and don’t want to keep the window opened.
Hi-tech solar powered ventilator Hi-tech solar powered ventilator
5.GPS transmitter
A special portable hi-tech map was designed to inform a driver about all traffic jams on the road. It carries out this easily: the device displays the scheme of all roads and highways and informs about their congestion by means of special colored signals. However, the device lacks GPS transmitter.
Hi-tech solar powered Car ventilator
6. Back Up Camera
Some brands producing gadgets for security pleased all motorists interested in hi-tech with a new type of motorist gadget. Such devices have an outlook of an ordinary auto mirror. But thanks to inside camera the device can display the images on its 2.5 inch LCD. The camera can show autos moving in front and behind. It also has an option of saving the video so that in case of an accident you can prove your rights.
Camera With Auto-Dimming Mirror Display System
7. Signalization System
Possibly, each motorist wants his vehicle to stay at the place where he left it. Today hi-tech signalizations are capable not only to make sounds but also to lock the motor. Previously this system was used for notebook security. Nowadays it saves your auto. Some signalizations need a master’s finger to identify him. Then they let him drive a car.
hi-tech Car signalization
8. Moving String Display
A special device with moving string is another device for the car comfort. The devices like these are released for reminding you necessary information, or, if you want, expressing your feelings about the traffic jams. The device can be adjusted to the glass of a vehicle. The information and data can be obtained from PC, notebooks or cellar phones.
Car Moving String
9. Board Computer
The special board computer is one more cute hi-tech achievement. It is installed into a car. The parameters of this motorist assistant are 40 Gb HDD, 1.22 GHz, standard memory 256 Mb but sometimes the computer can be produced with 512 Mb memory. These computers support both Windows and Linux. They also usually posses GPS navigation system and wi-fi internet.
Board Computer
10. Internet without laptop
Some car corporations stepped farther, and let the clients have internet even without laptop. The new software was released recently. It gives drivers a possibility to surf the internet using the firm’s in-car display instead. Drivers can select a URL from a list of stored favourites to access any web page they want. Nevertheless, such devices work mostly when the vehicle is in stationary state.
car Internet without laptop
Take care of your car, hope it will have best hi-tech achievements soon.
Friday, November 27, 2009
2009 Lexus LF-Ch Concept

Lexus has just released the complete information along with interior and exterior images of their new concept vehicle set to be unveiled next week at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show. The 2009 Lexus LF-Ch Concept is scheduled to go into production by 2012 but there is no word yet as to whether or not the vehicle will be available here in United States. The compact hatchback is set to compete with the Audi A3 and BMW 1-series.
The Lexus LF-Ch will have a front-wheel-drive train. The Lexus LF-Ch will come with enchanced safety systems, a new suspension and a wide variety of interior and exterior colors.
More details will be available next week when the car is officially revealed.
Concept proposing the first Lexus full hybrid for the European premium compact segment
Advanced interior design with asymmetric dashboard and Remote Touch controls
Blacked-out B-pillars and concealed rear door handles create the look of a pillarless coupé
L-finesse exterior styling with powerful surfacing and hand-sculpted details
World debut at the 2009 Frankfurt motor show
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