During my 37 years as a guitarist, I've had the chance of studying and meeting some of the best known guitarist of all times. The guitar pictures that follow, immortalized some of my life's greatest moments. This page is not be just a display of classical guitar related pictures but a place where I share some historical moments in my life as a classical guitar student, performer and teacher; moments that many of the visitors to mangore.com can relate to. My musical career started when I was 8 in Taranto , Italy. Today, 15,000 Kilometers to the South in Asuncion, Paraguay, I am celebrating my 37th anniversary as a musician. Paraguay, a beautiful country I have first visited in 1974 when my parents came to visit an uncle that lived in Brazil. Paraguay had a deep impact in all the members of my family and although we never thought we would live here forever, 30 years have passed and it sure does not look like I am going anywhere. My parents have gone back to Italy in 2006. I decided to stay here and as long as my guitar teaching website and guitar manufacture workshop permits, I intend to stay for good. Still, I am old enough to have learned that "for good" is one of those clichés that often miss the target.
I must stress one TRUTH...Segovia was the greatest guitar figure that ever lived. Mostly because he had to pave a way for an instrument, the guitar, which was mostly unknown to the great public at the beginning of the 20th Century. Segovia ´´pushed´´ many young players careers who attended his famous Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Italian (Siena) masterclasses. And, sadly, literally pushed many players careers to an abrupt end. Few musicians, not to say none before or since, had such a profound impact on their instruments as Segovia did in the classical guitar world.
I must stress one TRUTH...Segovia was the greatest guitar figure that ever lived. Mostly because he had to pave a way for an instrument, the guitar, which was mostly unknown to the great public at the beginning of the 20th Century. Segovia ´´pushed´´ many young players careers who attended his famous Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Italian (Siena) masterclasses. And, sadly, literally pushed many players careers to an abrupt end. Few musicians, not to say none before or since, had such a profound impact on their instruments as Segovia did in the classical guitar world.