As a family car, sure the VW Caravelle TDI, output in 2006 is used for all purposes to support the family. It was not quite fit, well-known when the family car with comfort, not equipped with entertainment facilities.Are Not true friend?

Moreover, the passenger cabin, the family car VW Caravelle TDI, large enough to accommodate multiple audio devices, as a means of entertainment. This is desired by Amir Hamzah, as owner, to realize the ideal family car. Therefore, the father of two children, entrusting entirely, cultivating his own VW car, to home modification Mirza Auto Care.

Ari Purwanto, as a modifier of Mirza, already knows what she wants this VW owners, while these cars with a capacity of 2500 cc, first stop in his shop. And the workmanship was not too long, only take about two weeks. "Nothing that's hard, when work on it, it's just the difficulty of time completed the process of making a crib. Difficult, because the box must be adjusted to form its shape, with dimensions of cabin Caravelle, "explains Ari.

Moreover, the placement of 14-inch LCD, placed in a box, which was issued by way of ascending and descending, which uses a motorized system. Not only that, the box is created, not just for keeping the LCD only, but also to include all supporters of other audio devices, such as power Amplifier 4 Channel, 10-inch subwoofer and a power inverter.
Spesification :
Car Volkswagen Caravelle TDI 2006
Owner Amir Hamzah
Audio head unit Sony MEX-R1, TFT LCD Monitoring Samsung 15-inch, CD changer Sony CDX G56X, power Force 4 Channel Audio Amplifier, Kicker 10 inch subwoofer, six- inch Focal speakers (two sets), 400-watt power inverter Skywise.