Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Honda Brio in India - Prices, Review and Specifications
Honda motors unveils its latest B+ segment middle class vehicle named Honda Brio. This all new Honda Brio has been showcased at the 27th Thailand International Motor Expo 2010. Honda designed ths new Brio with its latest advance technologies and 'Man Maximum, machine minimum cocept' policy. Honda Brio will hit the indian roads bu 2011 january of February and the expeced price of Honda Brio is around Rs. 4.5-6 lakhs.
The all new Honda Brio will be available in four variants - Brio E, Brio S, Brio V and Brio AT. The new Honda Brio car comes powered by a 1198cc SOHC, i-VTEC petrol engine which delivers a maximum power of 89 Bhp @ 6200 and a peak torque of 110 Nm @ 4800 rpm. Coming to the engine, 1198cc SOHC, i-VTEC petrol engine is the same one that powers Honda Jazz. Honda planning to take on other car in its segment like Swift, i20, polo etc with this all new 2011 Honda Brio.
As per the performance review of Honda Brio, the new Honda vehicle will offer a Fuel mileage of 20.00 kmpl in Highways and 14.00 kmpl in City. Other features of the new Honda Brio includes Remote Central Locking, Remote Fuel Filler, Rear Wiper, Remote Boot, AC without Climate control, Power Windows, Rear Defogger, Dash Integrated MP3 Player Music System, EBD, ABS, Fog Lamp, Body Color Bumpers and Tachometer
Honda Brio will comes available in 7 colors which includes - White, Black, Green, Red, Blue, Grey and Silver.
Tags: Honda, Brio, Honda India, Brio in india, Honda Brio launch in India, Honda Brio prices in India, Honda Brio Small Car, Honda Brio Pics, Honda Brio pictures, Honda Brio India release, Honda Brio review, specifications of Honda Brio, Honda Brio specs, Honda Brio Car features, Honda Brio technical features, Honda Brio top-speed, Honda Brio engine specs, Honda Brio india prices, Honda Brio wallpapers.
Monday, November 29, 2010
10 Hewan paling jorok di dunia
1. Jerapah

Dengan tinggi sekitar 6 meter dan berat 1.3 ton, jerapah tentu membutuhkan banyak air minum untuk tetap bertahan hidup. Air liur jerapah ini sangat banyak, ditambah lagi jerapah memiliki lidah dengan panjang 18 inchi (sekitar 45 cm). Lidah sepanjang ini mungkin bagi kita sangat menjijikkan, tapi lidah tersebut merupakan alat yang sangat berguna untuk pencernaannya, membantu jerapah melepas daun dari cabang pohon untuk dimakan, dan mempermudah proses pengunyahan makanan. Selain itu juga, mereka menggunakan lidahnya yang "super" panjang itu untuk membersihkan kotoran pada hidungnya.
2. Sapi

Terdapat milyaran ekor sapi di planet kita ini. Jika fakta tersebut tidak menggemparkan kalian, bagaimana dengan fakta satu ini: makanan yang sering dimakan sapi, seperti rerumputan, menyebabkan gas methane terakumulasi di dalam perut mereka, dan secara konstan, gas tersebut "bocor" dan keluar dari perut mereka (baca: kentut). Para sapi bisa mengeluarkan setengah galon kentut dalam 1 menit.
3. Kuda Nil

Cukup banyak fakta-fakta unik mengenai kuda nil, antara lain: berat mereka bisa mencapai 1.800an kg, salah satu mamalia yang tak berambut dan mereka menggunakan lumpur sebagai tabir surya untuk melindungi kulit sensitif mereka. Apa yang menyebabkan hewan sub-Sahara Afrika ini masuk dalam list ini? Jawabannya adalah saat mereka bermain di "bak lumpur", mereka akan saling melemparkan campuran urin dan feces satu sama lain. Menggunakan jurus putaran ekor maut, kuda nil akan meluncurkan gumpalan paling menjijikkan untuk menandai teritori mereka.
4. Serigala

Kebiasaan hewan inilah yang menyebabkan dia masuk dalam list hewan paling jorok. Hewan penikmat bangkai ini akan menyimpan daging yang telah membusuk beberapa hari. Para induk mengajari anak mereka untuk tidak membuang-buang makanan, walaupun sudah membusuk. Dan mereka memberikan bangkai tersebut kepada anak-anak mereka yang kelaparan. Dan serigala ini juga doyan memakan makanan yang telah mereka muntahkan, jika makanannya telah habis.
5. Kambing Gunung

Nama asli hewan ini dalam bahasa lokal, bahasa India, adalah Tahr, dan hewan ini adalah sejenis kambing gunung yang banyak hidup di perbukitan India selatan. Tahr betina jika ingin memberikan tanda, bahwa mereka sedang mood untuk kawin adalah dengan cara mengencingi sang jantan.
6. Koala

Mengapa hewan selucu ini masuk dalam list hewan paling jorok? Mungkin itu yang kalian pertanyakan. Makanan koala satu-satunya hanyalah daun eucalyptus. Yang mungkin kalian belum ketahui, bahwasanya daun tersebut dibungkus oleh sejenis racun. Dan pada sistem pencernaan hewan pemalas ini terdapat bakteri spesial yang bisa melepaskan racun pada daun tersebut. Bayi-bayi koala, tidak terlahir dengan kemampuan yang sama untuk melepaskan racun tersebut, jadi untuk membangun sistem pertahanan pada pencernaan mereka, para bayi akan memakan bekas kunyahan si ibu. Dengan memakan bekas makanan si ibu, vaksin alias bakteri dari perut si ibu, akan masuk ke dalam si bayi.
7. Timun Laut

Makhluk ini bisa tumbuh hingga sepanjang hampir satu meter, menyerupai sosis yang panjang. Makan malamnya bangkai hewan yang sudah mati. Dan hewan ini bisa memproses bangkai sebanyak 136 kg tiap tahunnya. Beberapa kebudayaan di dunia percaya bahwa timun laut merupakan makanan yang lezat dan percaya timun laut ini bisa merangsang hasrat seksual.
8. Hagfish

Hagfish mungkin tidak akan pernah memenangkan kontes kecantikan seumur hidupnya. Tahukah kalian apa arti "Hag" itu? Hag dalam bahasa Inggris berarti seorang wanita tua yang rupanya sangat jelek dan hati yang busuk. Hagfish adalah hewan laut yang hampir tidak bisa melihat sama sekali dan tidak memiliki gigi, dan mereka suka memakan bangkai hewan. Hagfish akan memasuki tubuh sang bangkai, dan memakannya dari dalam. Hagfish sangat berlendir, dan lendir tersebut digunakan sebagai mekanisme pertahanan ketika diserang, hagfish bisa menghasilkan 8 liter lendir untuk melawan.
9. Burung Heriang

Hewan ini sering muncul di film Hollywood sebagai pemakan bangkai. Burung ini bisa merasakan adanya bangkai, walaupun jaraknya sangat jauh. Selain itu juga, heriang tidak memiliki kelenjar keringat, jadi ketika mereka kepanasan, mereka akan memanfaatkan uap dari bangkai hewan untuk mendinginkan aliran pada pembuluh darah di kulit kaki mereka.
10. Lalat

Walaupun para ilmuwan mengklaim bahwasanya lalat merupakan serangga yang paling berkembang di antara lainnya, lalat juga masuk kategori makhluk paling menjijikkan di dunia. Bagaimana jika gorengan yang kalian mau makan, tiba-tiba ada lalat yang hobi makan dan tubuhnya yang penuh dengan bakteri, mendarat di sana. Apakah kalian akan berpikir dua kali untuk memakan gorengan tersebut? Lalat bukan hanya mendengung di makanan kita, mereka juga muntah di situ, lalat akan memuntahkan enzim, jus pencernaan dan air liur untuk mengubah makanan menjadi lembut agar mudah disedot oleh mulut mereka yang berbentuk seperti jerami. Lalat juga suka bertelur di bangkai binatang, yang nantinya telur itu akan menetas dan lahirlah belatung.
Sumber : kaskus.us

Dengan tinggi sekitar 6 meter dan berat 1.3 ton, jerapah tentu membutuhkan banyak air minum untuk tetap bertahan hidup. Air liur jerapah ini sangat banyak, ditambah lagi jerapah memiliki lidah dengan panjang 18 inchi (sekitar 45 cm). Lidah sepanjang ini mungkin bagi kita sangat menjijikkan, tapi lidah tersebut merupakan alat yang sangat berguna untuk pencernaannya, membantu jerapah melepas daun dari cabang pohon untuk dimakan, dan mempermudah proses pengunyahan makanan. Selain itu juga, mereka menggunakan lidahnya yang "super" panjang itu untuk membersihkan kotoran pada hidungnya.
2. Sapi

Terdapat milyaran ekor sapi di planet kita ini. Jika fakta tersebut tidak menggemparkan kalian, bagaimana dengan fakta satu ini: makanan yang sering dimakan sapi, seperti rerumputan, menyebabkan gas methane terakumulasi di dalam perut mereka, dan secara konstan, gas tersebut "bocor" dan keluar dari perut mereka (baca: kentut). Para sapi bisa mengeluarkan setengah galon kentut dalam 1 menit.
3. Kuda Nil

Cukup banyak fakta-fakta unik mengenai kuda nil, antara lain: berat mereka bisa mencapai 1.800an kg, salah satu mamalia yang tak berambut dan mereka menggunakan lumpur sebagai tabir surya untuk melindungi kulit sensitif mereka. Apa yang menyebabkan hewan sub-Sahara Afrika ini masuk dalam list ini? Jawabannya adalah saat mereka bermain di "bak lumpur", mereka akan saling melemparkan campuran urin dan feces satu sama lain. Menggunakan jurus putaran ekor maut, kuda nil akan meluncurkan gumpalan paling menjijikkan untuk menandai teritori mereka.
4. Serigala

Kebiasaan hewan inilah yang menyebabkan dia masuk dalam list hewan paling jorok. Hewan penikmat bangkai ini akan menyimpan daging yang telah membusuk beberapa hari. Para induk mengajari anak mereka untuk tidak membuang-buang makanan, walaupun sudah membusuk. Dan mereka memberikan bangkai tersebut kepada anak-anak mereka yang kelaparan. Dan serigala ini juga doyan memakan makanan yang telah mereka muntahkan, jika makanannya telah habis.
5. Kambing Gunung

Nama asli hewan ini dalam bahasa lokal, bahasa India, adalah Tahr, dan hewan ini adalah sejenis kambing gunung yang banyak hidup di perbukitan India selatan. Tahr betina jika ingin memberikan tanda, bahwa mereka sedang mood untuk kawin adalah dengan cara mengencingi sang jantan.
6. Koala

Mengapa hewan selucu ini masuk dalam list hewan paling jorok? Mungkin itu yang kalian pertanyakan. Makanan koala satu-satunya hanyalah daun eucalyptus. Yang mungkin kalian belum ketahui, bahwasanya daun tersebut dibungkus oleh sejenis racun. Dan pada sistem pencernaan hewan pemalas ini terdapat bakteri spesial yang bisa melepaskan racun pada daun tersebut. Bayi-bayi koala, tidak terlahir dengan kemampuan yang sama untuk melepaskan racun tersebut, jadi untuk membangun sistem pertahanan pada pencernaan mereka, para bayi akan memakan bekas kunyahan si ibu. Dengan memakan bekas makanan si ibu, vaksin alias bakteri dari perut si ibu, akan masuk ke dalam si bayi.
7. Timun Laut

Makhluk ini bisa tumbuh hingga sepanjang hampir satu meter, menyerupai sosis yang panjang. Makan malamnya bangkai hewan yang sudah mati. Dan hewan ini bisa memproses bangkai sebanyak 136 kg tiap tahunnya. Beberapa kebudayaan di dunia percaya bahwa timun laut merupakan makanan yang lezat dan percaya timun laut ini bisa merangsang hasrat seksual.
8. Hagfish

Hagfish mungkin tidak akan pernah memenangkan kontes kecantikan seumur hidupnya. Tahukah kalian apa arti "Hag" itu? Hag dalam bahasa Inggris berarti seorang wanita tua yang rupanya sangat jelek dan hati yang busuk. Hagfish adalah hewan laut yang hampir tidak bisa melihat sama sekali dan tidak memiliki gigi, dan mereka suka memakan bangkai hewan. Hagfish akan memasuki tubuh sang bangkai, dan memakannya dari dalam. Hagfish sangat berlendir, dan lendir tersebut digunakan sebagai mekanisme pertahanan ketika diserang, hagfish bisa menghasilkan 8 liter lendir untuk melawan.
9. Burung Heriang

Hewan ini sering muncul di film Hollywood sebagai pemakan bangkai. Burung ini bisa merasakan adanya bangkai, walaupun jaraknya sangat jauh. Selain itu juga, heriang tidak memiliki kelenjar keringat, jadi ketika mereka kepanasan, mereka akan memanfaatkan uap dari bangkai hewan untuk mendinginkan aliran pada pembuluh darah di kulit kaki mereka.
10. Lalat

Walaupun para ilmuwan mengklaim bahwasanya lalat merupakan serangga yang paling berkembang di antara lainnya, lalat juga masuk kategori makhluk paling menjijikkan di dunia. Bagaimana jika gorengan yang kalian mau makan, tiba-tiba ada lalat yang hobi makan dan tubuhnya yang penuh dengan bakteri, mendarat di sana. Apakah kalian akan berpikir dua kali untuk memakan gorengan tersebut? Lalat bukan hanya mendengung di makanan kita, mereka juga muntah di situ, lalat akan memuntahkan enzim, jus pencernaan dan air liur untuk mengubah makanan menjadi lembut agar mudah disedot oleh mulut mereka yang berbentuk seperti jerami. Lalat juga suka bertelur di bangkai binatang, yang nantinya telur itu akan menetas dan lahirlah belatung.
Sumber : kaskus.us
Tangled | Review
Old Disney: Nicholas! I'm back buddy!
Nicholas: Old Disney! Oh I missed you so!
Hannah Montana: Crap.
The thing I really gotta know after seeing this is what is Rapunzel's hair like down there? I mean.. is it outrageously long or does she cut it or trim it at least or is it braided or something? What? What's down there? Don't tell me you've never thought of that.But Jesus I love this movie. Now I wouldn't say Tangled was a better film that The Princess & the Frog but this was definitely much funnier. So we've got the classic tail of Rapunzel with a few tweaks here and there. We have this kingdom where the queen almost dies in childbirth but is given a magic flower that heals her but also gives her daughter magic hair that possesses healing abilities when it is sung to. But she was stolen by Donna Murphy and locked in a tower to keep herself young but everything changes when a dashing thief stumbles upon the tower and the two of them reluctantly go on a journey that will change both of them.
The premise though interesting and well thought out is very generic Disney but the animation and script for Tangled is anything but. Here we have a lot of set pieces and a lot of jokes done with fantastic snap and wit of a Dreamworks film. I mean the humor in this is over the top and hits you one after the other throughout then film. Think The Emperor's New Groove with better hair. Yeah.....
And the humor in this is mostly faulted to the animators who did a great job animating the characters' expressions in Tangled. There were two characters, Flynn Rider and a horse, whom I felt just stole the show because they were just so gut busting hilarious.Their facial expressions did go into retarded looking territory but hey, it served it's purpose. And thankfully they weren't overused. They come in. Flash out some retardation for one and all to laugh at. Hit a home run. And then disappear.
And the visuals in this are gorgeous. I like this whole art direction of having the animation look almost like moving paintings though they are technically CG. And there are a few action set pieces that is gonna look terrific in 3D particularly the dam breaking scene and the lantern scene. People, if anything.. the price of your admission ticket is worth the 5 minute lantern scene in this movie which i felt was beautiful in classic Disney animation fashion. I'm fucking buying the DVD just for that scene alone.
But I did wish Tangled had a better pacing in it's story. The first 15 minutes of the film felt a little too generic and geared more towards children and to be honest, kinda boring. It's only until they leave the tower did I feel the movie kicks into 3rd gear and after that it becomes awesome. And then towards the end where they have hit every note, it goes back into that classic, predictable children Disney ending that made me groan out loud in the cinema. So it's really a mixed bag of opinion here.
And I did wish the songs were better. Alan Menken, the man who wrote the music for Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Hercules was behind this and I couldn't help but feel underwhelmed by the songs of Tangled. Sure, they were all still great and had purpose to the story, they weren't boring or anything, they just weren't epic in the scale I remember Alan Menken's songs to be. There is only one song that takes place in a bar and is sung by Brad Garrett and a bunch of piss drunk Vikings of all people that were remotely memorable.
But hey, you know what.. with recent Disney movies like Chicken Little and Meet The Robinsons, Tangled is a huge step up in Disney's triumphant return to being what I have always remembered them to be. Magic. Happy days are here again people.
RATING: 7/10
Sunday, November 28, 2010
2011 Yamaha FZ1 Bike Specifications, Reviews and Prices
Yamaha, one of the worlds popular and largest Premium Sports Bike Maunufacturers coming with its latest 2011 model FZ1 Superbike. This all new 2011 Yamaha FZ1 is a 998cc sports bike featuring Stylish design and outstanding performance. As per the reports, the latest sportsbike, Yamaha 2011 FZ1 will be released by early 2011 in January or February at a price of $10,490.
Coming to the technical specifications of the new Yamaha FZ1 2011, it comes powered with a 998cc, DOHC, 20-valve, liquid-cooled, 40 degree inclined, in-line four-cylinder engine.This ultra-lightweight engine comes tuned to boost the performance with a comprssion ratio of 11:5:1. It has got a computer controlled sub-throttle valve fuel injection which provides precise fuel/air mixture for superb power delivery across the entire rev range.
Other features of the 2011 Yamaha FZ1 includes 6-speed w/multiplate clutch gear transmission, Dual 320mm floating discs w/4-piston calipers front breaks, 245mm disc w/single-piston caliper rear breaks, Single shock+ adjustable preload and rebound damping, 5.1-in travel suspension. It comes with a Fuel tank which has a capacity of 4.76 gal and the 2011 model FZ1 from yamaha will offers a Fuel economy ( Mileage ) of 35 mpg.
It comes with one year limited manufacturer warranty.
Tags: Yamaha Bikes, latest sports bikes, yamaha 2011 bikes, two-wheelers from Yamaha, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 sports-bike, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 super-bike specs, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 features, reviews of 2011 Yamaha FZ1, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 pictures, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 wallpapers, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 pictures, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 prices, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 prices in US, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 release-date, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 technical details, FZ1 top-speed, FZ1 Mileage, power and torque of 2011 Yamaha FZ1, 2011 Yamaha FZ1 performance review.
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 | Review
The end is neigh. This is Lost all over again man...
If the first two Harry Potters were the series' blockbuster and Prisoner of Azkaban was the art piece, Deathly Hallows Part 1 is the character study of the Harry Potter films. I wouldn't say this was the best Harry Potter film because I still feel Goblet of Fire is tops but Deathly Hallows Part 1 has certainly amped the artistry of British filmmaking and thespians to a whole new high. Burn Twilight! Burnwith my Inflamari charm!
So for those who are retarded, this is only the first half to J.K Rowling's finale book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with the concluding second part to premiere next year. This film is all on Harry, Ron and Hermione and one long ass camping trip. We follow the three as they go on a perilous journey to find and discover the remaining Horcruxes which houses Lord Voldemort's souls and in doing so makes him mortal again.
Now in the book, this portion of the movie only takes up the first 200 pages of the 800. Part 1 can't help but be the prelude to the big finale it is but David Yates and the cast has done an absolutely phenomenal job of stretching those 200 pages into a spectacular 3 hour film of heavy drama performances.
Part 1 squeezes in the final character developments, ties up continuity plot lines and brings audiences on one final nostalgic trip down the series to show how far the three main characters have come before pulling out all the stops in the final film. I feel Part 1 out of any of the previous films has given Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint the chance to prove their worth as actors. The three of them carry this film. We literally have 1 hour 30 minutes of just the three of them talking to each other in the woods. And it is so compelling, so well written and performed beautifully by the three.
We have Harry Potter, a boy who has tremendous weight of responsibility and the burden of blame for the people who have died in his cause. Ron Weasley, the guy who will always be known as Harry Potter's sidekick, living in his shadow, destined to be second to the Boy Who Lived. And Hermione Granger, the strong female who seals the bond and keeps them together albeit the prejudice of her being a Muggle born. All these and so many other elements brought out and developed in full dramatic force for the pleasure of the audience. The drama that Part 1 has is unbelievably intense. If I didn't know any better, I would say this would be the series' best chance of being nominated for an Oscar in writing or acting.
And the cinematography is really breathtaking. I mean gorgeous! A visual opus of real, no green-screened or special effected British mountain sides and plains. I love the idea of them shooting everything on locations instead of doing everything against a green screen like them cheap Americans because it does translate that reality to the screen with better performances and visuals.
My only problem is that beneath the fantastic performances and visual effects, Part 1 really doesn't have a strong narrative. Mostly due to the fact that this is merely the first 30% of the book, the film is anticlimactic and does drag after awhile. It's like that build up episode to a series finale on television where the audience is hoping for something to happen and right where things get good, the screen goes black and the words say "to be continued" well that's exactly how Part 1 was and it may put some people off about the film.
But I think it has done swimmingly as the build up to the epic final I know awaits the world in July. I await that moment with baited breath..... cause I'm jacking off to a picture of Emma Watson. So so so HOT!
RATING: 8/10
If the first two Harry Potters were the series' blockbuster and Prisoner of Azkaban was the art piece, Deathly Hallows Part 1 is the character study of the Harry Potter films. I wouldn't say this was the best Harry Potter film because I still feel Goblet of Fire is tops but Deathly Hallows Part 1 has certainly amped the artistry of British filmmaking and thespians to a whole new high. Burn Twilight! Burnwith my Inflamari charm!
So for those who are retarded, this is only the first half to J.K Rowling's finale book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with the concluding second part to premiere next year. This film is all on Harry, Ron and Hermione and one long ass camping trip. We follow the three as they go on a perilous journey to find and discover the remaining Horcruxes which houses Lord Voldemort's souls and in doing so makes him mortal again.
Now in the book, this portion of the movie only takes up the first 200 pages of the 800. Part 1 can't help but be the prelude to the big finale it is but David Yates and the cast has done an absolutely phenomenal job of stretching those 200 pages into a spectacular 3 hour film of heavy drama performances.
Part 1 squeezes in the final character developments, ties up continuity plot lines and brings audiences on one final nostalgic trip down the series to show how far the three main characters have come before pulling out all the stops in the final film. I feel Part 1 out of any of the previous films has given Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint the chance to prove their worth as actors. The three of them carry this film. We literally have 1 hour 30 minutes of just the three of them talking to each other in the woods. And it is so compelling, so well written and performed beautifully by the three.
We have Harry Potter, a boy who has tremendous weight of responsibility and the burden of blame for the people who have died in his cause. Ron Weasley, the guy who will always be known as Harry Potter's sidekick, living in his shadow, destined to be second to the Boy Who Lived. And Hermione Granger, the strong female who seals the bond and keeps them together albeit the prejudice of her being a Muggle born. All these and so many other elements brought out and developed in full dramatic force for the pleasure of the audience. The drama that Part 1 has is unbelievably intense. If I didn't know any better, I would say this would be the series' best chance of being nominated for an Oscar in writing or acting.
And the cinematography is really breathtaking. I mean gorgeous! A visual opus of real, no green-screened or special effected British mountain sides and plains. I love the idea of them shooting everything on locations instead of doing everything against a green screen like them cheap Americans because it does translate that reality to the screen with better performances and visuals.
My only problem is that beneath the fantastic performances and visual effects, Part 1 really doesn't have a strong narrative. Mostly due to the fact that this is merely the first 30% of the book, the film is anticlimactic and does drag after awhile. It's like that build up episode to a series finale on television where the audience is hoping for something to happen and right where things get good, the screen goes black and the words say "to be continued" well that's exactly how Part 1 was and it may put some people off about the film.
But I think it has done swimmingly as the build up to the epic final I know awaits the world in July. I await that moment with baited breath..... cause I'm jacking off to a picture of Emma Watson. So so so HOT!
RATING: 8/10
Friday, November 26, 2010
2011 BMW 6 Series Coupe Specifications, Review and Prices
BMW motors announced its all new 2011 6 Series Coupes. 2011 BMW 6 Series Vehicle will be the company's D+ Segment luxury coupe models coming next. As per the reports, the new 6-Serie2011 BMW cars will hit the industry by early 2011.The exepcted price of the 2011 BMW 6 Series Coupe is around Rs. 85,00,000 INR.
2011 BMW 6 Series comes powered with a 4799cc, 6 Cylinder, 4 Valve Diesel Engine that produces a 367 bhp @ 6300 rpm(300 kW, 408 PS) and a 490 Nm @ 3400 rpm. It comes with 6 speed manual transmission and a seating capacity of five. Other technical features of the 2011 BMW 6 series coupe includes Double Joint Tie-Bar spring strut axle suspension, Tilt power steering, Front Ventilated, Rear Disk ABS braking, Airbags etc.
2011 BMW 6 Series Coupe Specifications and Technical Details
- Car Body Type: Coupe
- Segment: D+ Segment
- Displacement: 4799cc, 6 Cylinder, 4 Valve
- Engine Type: Diesel
- Maximum Power: 367 Bhp @ 6300 rpm
- Maximum Torque: 490 Nm @ 3400 rpm
- Seating Capacity: 5
- Tyre Size: 245/40 R19 - 275/35 R19
- Suspension: Double Joint Tie-Bar spring strut axle
- Steering: Tilt
- Brakes: Front Ventilated, Rear Disk
- Gears: 6 Manual
Thursday, November 25, 2010
2011 Chevrolet Volt Specifications and Review
General Motor's of US announced the chevrolets latest model vehicle 2011 Volt. The all new 2011 Chevrolet Volt will be the company's first plug-in gas/electric vehicle and the Volt 2011 model is already aaialble in California, Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington, DC. Now the comapny planning to launch the Chevrolet Volt 2011 nationwide in USA by middle of 2011.
Chevrolet 2011 Volt will a 4-seater hatchback with 4 doors with an "extended-range electric vehicle,". It features two different drivetrains: an all-electric one (battery and motors) that drive the car for the first 40, and a gas-powered hybrid system (with gas engine and fuel tank) that automatically takes over after that to give about another 300 miles of range. The 2011 model Chevrolet Volt will comes powered with a 1.4-liter four-cylinder internal combustion engine, which runs on either gasoline or E85. With this engine, Volt produces a power of 149 hp(111 kilowatts) and a peak torque od 273 pound-feet.
Other features of Chevrolet's 2011 version VOLT includes touch-sensitive climate control buttons, optional hard drive for added storage of music and maps, built-in Bluetooth functionality which can be used for phone and music use. Chevrolet offers the new 2011 Volt at a price of around $41,000 with a three-year lease starting at $350 per month.
Tags: Chevrolet, Volt, latest cars, Volt specs, 2011 Volt, Chevolet Volt models, 2011 Chevrolet Volt, Chevrolet Volt 2011, Chevrolet Volt 2011 models, Chevrolet Volt 2011 electric car, specifications of Chevrolet Volt 2011, Chevrolet Volt 2011 reviews, Chevrolet Volt 2011 specs, Chevrolet Volt 2011 prices, Chevrolet Volt 2011 release-date, prices of Chevrolet Volt 2011 in US, Chevrolet Volt 2011 launch details, Chevrolet Volt 2011 technical features, details of 2011 Chevrolet Volt, Chevrolet Volt 2011 mileage, Chevrolet Volt 2011 top-speed.
Mobil Mahal Bukan Berarti selalu Elegan

In general, expensive car modifications oriented in one word. elegant, but not with this one. Amazingly, even though it looks like the car changed much, the German tuner creations are not exactly ugly.
Titan - Evo German tuner creations speedArt, taken from the base of the second generation Porsche Cayenne automotive exhibition to be presented at Essen Motor Show 2010. Not only is the outside view is working on, they even offer a package of engine power enhancer quite complete.
Upgrades are offered in the form of additional manpower 50hp/70Nm for diesel Cayenne, Cayenne S 70hp/50Nm for Hybrid and 100hp/150Nm to variants of the Cayenne Turbo. To boast about their creations as well give another name for the variant of the Cayenne are working on.
speedHYBRID 450, thus the new name of Hybrid Cayenne S, has the power to 450hp, so its ability to be able to match the Cayenne S. Acceleration 0-100 km / h, can now be achieved within the first 5.9 seconds 6.5 seconds. Maximum speed increased to 252 km / h from the previous which only 242 km / hour.
Especially for the Porsche Cayenne Turbo-based, consumers get a choice of power-enhancing package that could boost power by default to 550, 570 or 600hp.
TITAN-EVO name itself comes from the kit-Evo Titan aerodynamic body kit, consisting of front skirt, rear skirt, wide fender flares and the widening of the side-skirts.
In addition, speedArt also offers a sport exhaust system with sound adjustment feature for gasoline engines, and sport exhaust system with no sound arrangement for diesel engine versions.
Special Cayenne models with air suspension, speedArt also has an electronic module to reduce the height of the vehicle to look more flat, while for the conventional suspension, there is a spiral spring sport is shorter.
To be harmonious with the appearance of new, speedArt offer velek 23 inches from the CTS-Forged 11-inch width is mated with dimensions 315/25 ZR23 tires.
Wow very cool...
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