This is a blog I wrote a couple of years ago. Just found it.
Think about it!!!
You know something? It’s really sad how we as the human race act or think?
As I write this little blog people are starving around the world.
Young females are being raped.
People are being executed.
Young couples are giving birth to a still born child.
Young families are being eliminated in car crashes.
Familes Homes are being burned down.
People are being tortured and killed in different countries.
Many are dying from the cold winter on the streets.
Some families only children just got killed.
Many have just drowned in the seas.
Many just died of a drug or alcohol overdose.
Young pass-by is shot by gang members.
I could go on and on.
Get the drift?
All this happening while you were reading this blog.
It’s strange how the human race continues to move on their daily routine while all this is going on?
Strange race indeed?