This blog will soon hit one million visitors and when that happens, I, Charles LeBlanc, the number one blogger and the number one bullshitter in New Brunswick, will be welcomed into the Google Elite Blogger Club, reserved for members who have achieved one million hits on their blogs. As you know, Google owns Blogger, so it's quite an honour to be invited to join this "elite" club.
With this milestone come some changes, some good and some bad.
The first good thing that will happen is that Google will deposit a $10,000 prize into my bank through my Pay Pal account.
Keep in mind, dear reader, you don't have to wait for Google to give me $10,000 prize. If each and every one of you gave me even one dollar, I'd reach the $10,000 mark by April 15! And that's just from the provincial government employees who visit my blog every day. I know they are coming because I can read their IP addresses in my stats counter. You can't hide from Charles!!
So if you're feeling generous bureaucrats, just log into Pay Pal and make a donation to my Pay Pal account and I won't reveal your IP address publicly. I want to make it easy for you so all you have to do is click here to go to Pay Pal.
< Will post during the next 72 hours >
I need to pay the bills, after all, being on welfare it's tough trying to keep up with all this technology: cameras, external hard drives, lap top computers, scanners, and memory cards are expensive! I might add that I need a new pair of sneakers so I can run after these crooked MLA's!!
It was so bad yesterday that I had to bum $2.00 from a panhandler!!!
Besides, I'm getting sick of peanut butter sandwiches on white bread and I'm trying to lose weight so with more money I can buy some decent food instead of loading up on crap.
Back to the Google Elite Blogger Club $10,000 prize... the great thing about all that money is that since it's a prize, I won't have to claim it because it's considered a "windfall" so I can still collect my monthly welfare cheque. Isn't that great? I'm going to have an amazing summer with all that money! Whoo-hoo! Party time!!
All this didn't happen without a lot of hard work. My name is very popular and Google's algorithms prove it. Do a search for Charles LeBlanc in Google and when you spell C-H-A-R-L my name appears after Charlie Sheen and right before Charles Manson.
I don't know if I should be happy about that or insulted but what the heck. As long as I get that tax free $10,000 to blow this summer.
It didn't hurt that my 4000 YouTubes have accumulated one million views either! The interview I had with Tom Green really gave me some credibility all around the world. That guy is famous, just like me.
Here's the youtube -
I'm the only blogger in Canada who was on trial and acquitted and the story made the New York Times!
Click below -
Blogger makes the New York Times!!!
Not even Premier David Alward has been in the New York Times! Hey, I don't even think Stephen Harper has been in the New York Times.
But as I said, there will be some changes that come along with hitting this milestone.
The first thing is readers will not be able to view all my blogs without subscribing to and paying a fee.
It's a trade off: Google acknowledges that I have been doing this for free so the fees will allow me to make a few extra bucks for my hard work putting and Google on the map in Canada!!!
However, readers will be able to see < FREE OF CHARGE > two blog postings every 24 hours and one video.
Thing is, I blog at least 10 stories per day so only readers who are registered members of will be allowed to comment on my carefully researched, well written stories.
The new rules will also affect the many readers who end up on this blog through the comments section.
My deal with Google will only allow people who subscribe to this blog to read the comments section.
People who don't pay a fee will not be able to read or leave comments. As far as I'm concerned, this will be a great way to get rid of the cowardly comments from anonymous posters who don't have the guts to sign their name.
I believe a $25.00 fee per year is a reasonable price to pay for the privilege of being a member of New Brunswick's number one blog. Even the Daily Gleaner is practically giving away their paper these days for $2 a week. That's more than $100 a year. My blog has better, more action news and I'm right on top of it as it's happening in downtown Fredericton, in Mactaquac, Marysville, at the legislature, on the green, on the trail north side and south side. None of the other media, CBC, CTV, Global, Daily Gleaner, Telegraph Journal, and Canadian Press can keep up to me and they know it!
So this is the way it's going to be and if you don't like it, too bad. I'm very glad that Google will be accepting me in the Elite Blogger Club. It's a great honour and I will be enjoying the huge benefits that come along with the title!
I'll be living the life of Riley, drinking beer all summer. YESSSSSS.
So the bottom line is if you want to continue reading my blogs with all the changes you're going to have to pay:
Send me $25.00 at
Charles LeBlanc
APT# 1
145 Westmorland Street
New Brunswick
E3B 3L4
Or you can make a donation on line using Pay Pal. Please note, donations larger than $25 will be gratefully accepted. No receipts provided.
Hurry so you can continue to read the only, true free speech journalist's views in the entire province of New Brunswick.
Thank you very much et Merci Beaucoup!!!!
P.S You can advertise in this spot for a Brand New Pair of New Balance Sneakers!!
Let me know by sending me an email at -
You can have that spot for 2 months!!!
First come First serve!!!