Maserati unveiled the latest S version at the Geneva Motor Show, in 2008. The latest version includes a brand new type 4.7 litre V8 engine capable of producing 440hp or 330 kW of power. The new version comprises of a novel electric-activated gearbox combined with MC-Shift arrangement within a Transaxle design. The regular suspension system is fixed-setting steel dampers with a provision of Skyhook adaptive suspension as an optional choice.
Information and specification:
# Engine -4.7 litre / 4,691 cc/ 286 cu in /90* or V8,
# Power- 440 PS/324 kW/ 434hp at 7,000 rpm,
# Torque - 490 N.m / 360 lb.ft at 4,750 rpm,
# Top speed - 295 km/h or 183 mph, # 0-100 km/h or 62 mph acceleration in 4.9 seconds,
# ¼ mi acceleration - 12.97 seconds and 1 mi acceleration in 23.23 seconds.