Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Glad to be Joining Charles's Blog!

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
The Diary of the Blogger Teenage Secret Eye!!!!!

While walking the streets on a cold, winter day during a recent visit to downtown Fredericton, I happened to bump into blogger Charles Leblanc covering his usual Fredericton news stories. I immediately got acquainted with the guy and he offered me this columnist position with his popular blog, Charles Other Personality. I gladly accepted the position.

Seeing that this is my first supplement to Charles's blog, I do not have much to write about. I mean, the sky is the limit when you are thinking of possible topics. Charles has politely asked me to write about my perspective of society as a youth. I will make every effort to see that my contributions relate to just that. My topics may also consist of

Charles has also asked me to do my part in keeping myself anonymous on this blog as I am still a minor. Protecting anonymity makes things fun as well. Therefore, if any of you who see my stories know who I am, please keep my identity to yourselves.

In his welcome on the blog, Charles mentioned that I love his blog! That, my friends, is true! I enjoy checking Charles's blog almost daily for the news in the Fredericton area. He mentioned that I would like to become a pain-in-the-rear blogger just like him someday! Not sure if it will be with a blog, but I am considering a career in journalism. I have a passion for writing, along with most other aspects of journalism. I truly adore Charles's work in covering all kinds of news around Fredericton and the surrounding areas.

My apologies for the rather short length of this contribution. This is the first of what I hope will be many stories that will only enrich an already-interesting blog. Stay warm—this winter weather sure is crazy! Please rest assured that spring is just around the corner!

Yours Truly,
Teenage Secret Eye